好,西城真潇洒、文图并茂,一如既往:-)。在此讲解如何下载所附歌曲 :-)

来源: 2009-12-07 00:19:09 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
1. Open NotePade of your PC
2. Copy the following text to it (copay from here and
past into it) below the line "-----"
3. save it as file "GetFile.htm"
5. Double click on the file "GetFile.htm", and it will be opend in a Browser
6. Click on "Get it" (with Right Mouse and
select 'Save as'on the pop up menu" when using Internet Exploror"

7. The file will be save on your PC. It may takes a few minutes to download it, depending on your internet connection

And thak Miss XC to share this lovely song with us.


Get it