
来源: 2007-04-03 15:56:32 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

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今天晚上,几位欧盟同部门的家伙为庆祝我的入伙,跑到旅馆拉我出去庆贺.喝完酒,几位鬼妹妹兴犹未尽,强迫几位男青年去看电影.而且是爱琴片come back.出门前,她们专门到比利时有名的电影网站上找到的.女主角Barrymore,本人比较迷恋。问鬼魅妹们,怎么知道我喜欢这个女子的? 并且深入浅出地解释了大中华中的一个成语:心有灵犀一点通。 大约十分钟后,外国友人们纷纷理解,纷纷表态,其中有一两个鬼魅与我可以一点通。 我点头表示同意他们的分析,并进一步在哲学含义上阐述了分析的正确性。这个比利时电影网站很有用,以后想到比利时看电影时刻表用得着:http://www.cinenews.be/Movies.Detail.cfm?MoviesID=5282〈=fr

看完电影回来,应邀去一点通的小房子里测试。她们疯时,我边偷拍,边思考人类的重大命题:女人喝醉了以后,世界会是什么样子的。回到房间,已经是凌晨了。过了睡觉时间,再也睡不着了,洗个澡后,居然不想睡了。 年纪大了。 到新华社网站去发表重要著作时,居然不让我注册,爱国热情损害了0.01%. 早上多吃一点,将受伤的爱国热情不回来。 布鲁塞尔的巧克力种类多到无法记录了,就像世界上的爱情一样。When the espresso is cooling down on the table, I figured out to see more around the world or to link yourelf to your world, you need head up on and over to what is always inspiring. As I have a little organization in my life, one of my goals for this year is to participate in this consistent exciting part of life. I found it to be way easier than flying by the seat of my pants trying to think of what to have for supper. And the thing I like about it, it's a general outline, not set in stone, so that if something comes up, like it did for me last week, I can just bump that meal to the next week. But I know I'll have the ingrediants, and it will take care of one day into the next week. And so on and on ......

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