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比如十一年前,费城 Temple 大学一位教授 --- 名叫 Noël Carroll --- 在 The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 上发表了一篇文章,题为《艺术和全球化:过去和现在》(“Art and Globalization: Then and Now”,详细 Ref. 见附2)。此文后来就不但有了“另版”,而且还是中文“另版”。



... transnational art exchanges in the past and those of the present ...

... in the earliest stages of capitalism ... cultural exchange between the East and the West ...

... Artists ... returned to the West, bringing with them imagery and iconography that they encountered in the Near East ...

... The motifs ... appeared frequently in European artworks ...

... The trade in ... art ... became increasingly heavy from the seventeenth century onward ... Likewise, paintings and sculptures traveled Westward ...

...  from our contemporary perspective ...  while Europeans appreciated these artifacts and collected them, neither the works nor the masters who produced them were incorporated into European art narratives or artistic canons. The narratives and canons remained stubbornly parochial ...

... the historians of the Western tradition do not ... track modernism as following from African art in the way in which we trace Cubism as evolving from Cézanne ...

... Though Picasso was influenced by African art, there is no African artist or even African art formation in his lineage in the way that Cézanne is ...

... Alien aesthetic discourses ... were used to mark opposition to prevailing norms in the indigenous ... practice. Alternative aesthetics were ... manipulated rather than integrated; they are deployed for tactical advantages rather than being contributions to a mutually reciprocal conversation ...

... The various traditions, though open to outside influence, were each essentially local or regional ...









Redeo de Perusio et de nocte profunda venio huc et est tempus hiemis lutosum et adeo frigidum, quod dondoli aquae frigidae congelatae fiunt ad extremitates tunicae et percutiunt semper crura, et sanguis emanat ex vulneribus talibus. Et totus in luto et frigore et glacie venio ad ostium, et postquam diu pulsavi et vocavi, venit frater et quaerit: Quis est? Ego respondeo: Frater Franciscus. Et ipse dicit: Vade; non est hora decens eundi; non intrabis. Et iterum insistenti respondeat: Vade, tu es unus simplex et idiota; admodo non venis nobis; nos sumus tot et tales, quod non indigemus te. Et ego iterum sto ad ostium et dico: Amore Dei recolligatis me ista nocte. Et ille respondeat: Non faciam. Vade ad locum Cruciferorum et ibi pete. Dico tibi quod si patientiam habuero et non fuero motus, quod in hoc est vera laetitia et vera virtus et salus animae.


1)“Redeo de Perusio”意为“我从佩鲁贾回来”,wl本误译成“回到了佩鲁贾”;yy本也又译成“回到了佩鲁贾”。

2)“in luto et frigore et glacie” 意在为“在泥、寒冷和冰中”,wl本译成“我浑身是泥,打着冷颤”,漏掉了“冰”;yy本也又译成“我浑身是泥,打着冷颤”,同样又漏掉了“冰”。


4)“Frater Franciscus”是“方济各修士”,也就是圣方济各,wl本误译成“弗朗西斯兄弟”;yy本也又译成“弗朗西斯兄弟”。

5)  “nos sumus tot et tales”意为“我们如此众多又具有这样的素质”,wl本误译成“我们有这么多人”;yy本也又译成“我们已经有了这么多人了”。

6)“Dico tibi”意为“我对你说”(或“我告诉你”),wl本误译成“我告诉你们”;yy本也又译成“告诉你们”。


以此段中这句话为例:“Vade; tu es unus simplex et idiota; admodo non venis nobis; nos sumus tot et tales, quod non indigemus te.”


1)同样的取舍: 原文的“simplex et idiota”(傻子和蠢货),lw本只保留一个“蠢货”;yy本也里只又保留一个“蠢货”。

2)同样的顺序改变: lw本改变顺序,把“admodo non venis nobis”(这时候不要来我们这里)”移到句末;yy本里也又改变顺序,同样把““admodo non venis nobis”移到句末。

3)同样的调点符号改变: 原文句末是句号,lw本改成感叹号;yy本也又改成感叹号。


*   *   *

— 我和同桌B答卷一样,为啥偏我得零分啊?

— 因为你抄袭B同学的答卷啊。

— 我没抄袭……

— 看看你们的答卷,同一个问题,B同学的回答是“不知道”,你的回答是“也不知道”。

【附2】Noël Carroll, “Art and Globalization: Then and Now”, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 65, No. 1, Special Issue: Global Theories of the Arts and Aesthetics (Winter, 2007), pp. 131-143


你这个人实在是吃饱了撑的,无耻至极。本文是一本论文集的其中一篇的一节,文中的引文都有出处,明白了吗? -英二- 给 英二 发送悄悄话 英二 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/16/2018 postreply 13:37:10

不要动不动就气急败坏地骂街,再说“无耻”也是抄袭无耻。更何况如果整段全文都是“引文”,那不叫“写的”,叫“抄的”:-) -papyrus- 给 papyrus 发送悄悄话 (119 bytes) () 12/16/2018 postreply 13:43:26

不是疯狗狂犬是什么,你张开狗眼再看看,二个文章说的是一个意思吗。你怎么不去骂那个人抄袭了49次 -英二- 给 英二 发送悄悄话 英二 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/16/2018 postreply 15:44:11

两位息怒,文字已超论坛所容忍范围,请到此为止。谢谢! -雪晶- 给 雪晶 发送悄悄话 雪晶 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/16/2018 postreply 15:56:41

理解版主。 不必担心,正常争论,讲道理不会失态 :-) -papyrus- 给 papyrus 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/16/2018 postreply 16:01:43

+1支持雪晶。 -尘凡无忧- 给 尘凡无忧 发送悄悄话 尘凡无忧 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/16/2018 postreply 16:03:23

找了一段文字,诬陷为全文抄袭,如此恶意中伤,我是可以骂他十八代祖宗的 -英二- 给 英二 发送悄悄话 英二 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/16/2018 postreply 16:27:33

我几个月前那个“抬头三尺有神明”的帖子不见了,真不知这种虚荣能带给他什么“快感”,^_^。古纸兄新的一周开心。 -文革传人- 给 文革传人 发送悄悄话 文革传人 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/16/2018 postreply 20:43:55

这可能是生活中唯一的快感,所以才如此执着 :-)。 再谢传人兄 -papyrus- 给 papyrus 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/17/2018 postreply 02:16:01

也谢龙叔,虽然是神龙见首不见尾 :-) -papyrus- 给 papyrus 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/17/2018 postreply 02:16:46
