
For "为达目的可以不择手段", I refer to the practice of trading GDP for environment. That is about the Chinese living in China.

If you talk about how to the ethnic Chinese living in US, which is "排华法案" about, the solution is even simpler. First, you should look at that event in the historical context. The political environment is no longer the same, I don't think it will happen again, at least it is extremely unlikely to happen again. Having said that, how to prevent it from happening ever again? Short answer, accept your new identity, You are not Chinese, you are an American. You are the new kid on the block. Learn the environment, learn the language, learn the rules. Once you have a good understanding about what you are trying do, you know how to defend your right. If you can do that, everything will fall into right places.

One think I don't yet to know is the impact of China's rising, politically and economically. I wish I could predict how that is going to affect the lives of my children in the long run.


扯蛋 -kds- 给 kds 发送悄悄话 kds 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/18/2014 postreply 14:55:12

是的,她同时还渎耶稣基督! -kds- 给 kds 发送悄悄话 kds 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/18/2014 postreply 16:37:09
