
来源: 2013-11-12 06:48:53 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


Andy Lopez was walking to his friend’s house in Santa Rosa, Calif. on Oct. 22 when two Sonoma County deputies spotted the 13-year-old boy in a blue hoodie carrying what they thought was an AK-47 assault rifle. Stopping the police car, the deputies chirped their siren and demanded that he drop the gun. Still holding it, Lopez started to turn around. A deputy, believing he was in danger, fired several rounds. Lopez was shot seven times and died on the scene. What the officers took for an assault rifle turned out to have been an airsoft gun that fires plastic projectiles.

County deputies 是什么玩意儿不知道,于是作了点研究,先来汇报一下美国政府的官。



美国政府由各部组成,部长由总统任命,通常都是总统的哥儿们或债主。The Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, the Attorney General and the Secretary of the Treasury,也就是国防部长,国务卿,司法部长,财政部长,称为内阁四大部。如果内阁总辞职说的就是他们。

美国国务院,称为 U.S. Department of State,相当于中国的外交部,有下面这些官:

Deputy Secretary
Under Secretary
Assistant Secretary
Deputy Assistant Secretary

其它各部基本官职与国务院大致相同,但 Secretary 一般翻译成“部长”。

国防部等大部,还有 Deputy Under Secretary 的职位,鉴于中国没有对应的官职, 所以就没法翻译了。


Attorney General
Deputy Attorney General
Associate Attorney General
Solicitor General 
Director of FBI
Assistant Attorney General

Attorney General 与中国的部长,Deputy Attorney General 与常务副部长,Associate Attorney General 与部长助理还是相对应的。