
来源: qsnfj 2009-02-06 08:07:34 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (756 bytes)
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Thank you for your recommendation and your comments on this book. i have seen this book numberous times, on the shelf, heard a great deal about it, but never bother to read it for the reason of "no time". that is not a good "effecitve habit".i admit.

now that i read your comment, i will make sure to break my habit and go get the book to read.

i agree, many times in life, we struggle, we stress ourselves out, and we make ourseles miserable and everybody else around me miserable. If we only need to look at things from different angle, or step up to a higher ground, we will see things much clear. thank you for your thoughtful comments.

people like you are passing on goodness to others, you are impacting many lives!

