letter to han

来源: 2019-12-20 14:02:59 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


Dear San Han,

A few points:

1, how is your health? See your doctors on time and take the medications that prescribed to you.

2, how is your job hunting? Hope you get it done right and get a job at near future, you have been out of the job 2.5 years, and if you can not find the job of your studied for, you need to find a job to support yourself, a labor, of any kind, formal, bright job. You can not be without a job for any longer any more. Please.

3, you need to manage your financials correctly and wisely, you can not ruin your credit. This is an important issue, for your whole life. You can not let anybody to come to the door to claim the money you owe them anymore.

4, if you need monetary help, let me and others know, and I will try to help you out.

5, you can not waste money anymore !  no matter whose money that is. You bought something that you do not really need, and then you dump them away. You order food not cook it yourself, you bought and use most of the one-time utensils, which is not healthy and a big expenses, no one will do that on a daily bases.

6, you waste food, some I bought them for you, like the pizza, you dumped the flour dough, you only took the toppings. You waste spaghettis, eggs, etc. vegis.

7, protein in rich in normal food, the powder does not work too much, and no body is living on protein powder rather than normal food.

8, you care about your body shape and health, which is good, however, you should not waste food and money,  if one slice of pizza is too much, just take half or ¼ of it, not just the toppings.

9, you did not take care of your bike, and lost it. You bought a new one, and you do not take care of it. Nobody do things like you do and did.

10, you threw away some of my stuff, including the shopping cart that I bought and fixed, which I used to buy food for myself and for you. As an example.

You should not have done that, some of the materials I collected, bought are for repairing and restoration of the house and others,  it is my hard work, time and labor, you dumped them, make you seem clear and clean, which is actually the opposite.

Anyway, think about your behaviors, and improve yourself.

You are welcome to raise any questions and discuss any issues with me, and I am as always, there to help you in this way or the other.

Do not feel alone yourself, with daddy, with friends,  you will feel and live better.

God bless you, and good luck for the new year !


