【美国FDA 食药局结论: 宣称硒可防癌抗癌 不成立】

来源: 弓尒 2017-07-14 20:46:23 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (5192 bytes)
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VI. Conclusions

We have considered the scientific evidence submitted with your petition and, as appropriate, have also considered other pertinent scientific evidence. Our conclusion is that there is not significant scientific agreement about the science underlying the statements that "Selenium may reduce the risk of certain cancers" and that "Selenium may produce anticarcinogenic effects in the body." However, the science provides sufficient evidence for qualified health claims provided that the qualified claims are appropriately worded so as to not to mislead consumers. Thus, FDA proposed the qualified claims as presented below, which your clients agreed to as reflected in your letter dated February 12, 2003.



没有明显的科学的证据支持你们所称的 “硒也许可以降低一些癌瘤” 和 “硒 也许看在人体内产生抗癌效果”。

不过, 科学(自然会)对合格的有关健康的宣称提供充足的证据,合格的宣称必须适当地用字和措辞以免误导消费者。

【这是准确的直译。但这段原文其实措辞不精准 - 译者注】


Claim 1:
"Selenium may reduce the risk of certain cancers. Some scientific evidence suggests that consumption of selenium may reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer. However, FDA has determined that this evidence is limited and not conclusive."


宣称 1:

“硒也许可降低某些癌瘤的危险。一些科学例证提示食用硒也许可减低某些肿瘤的风险。不过,食药局 认定 这个例证是相当有限和非结论性的。”

Claim 2:
"Selenium may produce anticarcinogenic effects in the body. Some scientific evidence suggests that consumption of selenium may produce anticarcinogenic effects in the body. However, FDA has determined that this evidence is limited and not conclusive."


“硒 也许可在体内产生抗癌效应。某些科学例证提示食用硒也许可在体内产生抗癌效果。不过,食药局 认定 这个例证是相当有限且非结论性的。”




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