
来源: 2017-07-08 02:05:58 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

In 1968, MSG’s death knell rang in the form of a letter written to the New England Journal of Medicine by Robert Ho Man Kwok, a Chinese-American doctor from MarylandKwok claimed that after eating at Chinese restaurants, he often came down with certain unpleasant symptoms, namely “numbness at the back of the neck, gradually radiating to both arms and the back” and “general weakness and palpitation.” After Kwok’s letter ran, the journal received a deluge of letters from other readers, all claiming to suffer from the same affliction, deemed “Chinese Restaurant Syndrome” by editors. Some readers presented the same symptoms as Kwok, but most were extremely varied, ranging from cold sweats to extreme dizziness. In response, the Journal offered up MSG as the likely culprit for their reader’s unpleasant symptoms.

Public interest spurred a number of scientific inquiries into the potential danger of MSG. According to food historian Ian Mosby’s exploration of MSG in “That Won-Ton Soup Headache” these inquiries went one of two ways:

Read more: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/its-the-umami-stupid-why-the-truth-about-msg-is-so-easy-to-swallow-180947626/#dTgWfYYFLHqRd6Bo.99
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Image result for no msg 无味精(未用味精,未添加味精)Related image



一封信的重大影響:「中國餐館症候群」(Chinese restaurant syndrome)

1968年,《新英格蘭醫學期刊》(The New England Journal of Medicine)上發表了一篇簡短的投書,這並不是一篇科學文章,而是一封名叫郭浩民的醫生(Dr. Robert Ho Man Kwok)寫給編輯的信。在這封只有40行左右的短信中,郭醫生講到他與其他人在中國餐館用餐過後所經歷的「奇怪症候群」,並描述了他的個人觀察。這個症候群和有些人對於阿斯匹靈中的水楊酸所產生的高度敏感反應相似,只是症狀較為輕微。與此症候群有關的症狀並未明確定義出來,包括後頸逐漸擴張到手臂和背部的麻痺感、全身無力、心悸以及口渴。這些症狀在用餐的15~20分鐘後開始出現,並持續數小時,但是沒有持久影響。










(2)採用丙烯腈進行直接化學合成(1962年– 1973年),





Umami (/u?mɑ?mi/), or savory taste, is one of the five basic tastes (together withsweetness, sourness, bitterness, and saltiness).[1] It has been described as brothy or meaty。

鲜味与肉的味道密切关联,这同样是由池田菊苗发现的。他认为,除了酸、甜、苦、咸四种基本味道之外,还有第五种味道存在, 即鲜味;但鲜味算不算一种味觉感知的基本味道,并非定论,就如以前我们常说的辣味,现在西方不认为是一种独立的味道。英语里也还真没有 辣这个词, (hot, spicy)其实并不能表述 辣,而是火烧火燎的感觉, 在他们觉来。

In 1806, French chemists Louis-Nicolas Vauquelin and Pierre Jean Robiquet isolated a compound in asparagus 芦笋that was subsequently named asparagine 天门冬氨酸, the first amino acid to be discovered.

Karl Heinrich Ritthausen (13 January 1826 – 16 October 1912) was a German biochemist who identified two amino acidsand made other contributions to the science of plant proteins. he identified α-aminoglutaric acid or glutamic acid in 1866. Then he identified aspartic acid in an almond extract。


Aspartic acid was first discovered in 1827 by Auguste-Arthur Plisson and Étienne Ossian Henry by hydrolysis of asparagine, which had been isolated from asparagus juice in 1806.

Their original method used lead hydroxide, but various other acids or bases are more commonly used instead.


苯丙氨酸 (Phenylalanine)
缬氨酸 (Valine)
蘇氨酸 (Threonine)
色氨酸 (Tryptophan)
異白氨酸 (Isoleucine)
白氨酸 (Leucine)
甲硫氨酸 (蛋氨酸)(Methionine)
離氨酸 (赖胺酸)(Lysine)
組氨酸(可自行合成但不足以满足机体需要) (Histidine)
精氨酸(嬰兒) (Arginine)