聊聊New Year‘s Resolution吧

来源: 2018-01-02 17:34:04 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

我们新年聚会的时候,朋友说,统计表明,所谓的new year's resolution的完成率只有8%,92%的目标都是完成不了的。我数了数我2017年年初的计划,还好完成了60%,都跟时尚无关也许比较简单。2018年的new year resolution我还没想,想借鉴借鉴大家都有些啥呀? :)

附上我的2017 list和完成情况汇报。

2017 New Year Resolutions:
1.    Keep weight at 120lb, not over 125lb even after big parties.--failed
2.    Gym sign in record no less than 200 times--failed
3.    Double income--almost
4.    1 photo shooting day of each month--achieved
5.    Take 10 poster quality photos (IKEA level) in different themes--achieved
6.    Read 5 books--only read 1 real book and 1 online book
7.    Arrange 1 oversea family trip--achieved
8.    Take 10 education courses--50% achieved
9.    Obtain 2 certificates.--achieved
10.    No late on church service day--failed

2018 list( TBD)

1. no phone no computer after 11:30pm.  

2. lose weight for half marathon @ May, chicago marathon @Oct

3. anger control

4. parenting teens books
