10 Things That Make Me Happy

来源: 2016-05-10 06:19:55 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


There's no path to happiness, happiess is the path. 

都说看一个人的爱好及passion是最简单的了解他/她的方式,好吧,我来介绍下我自己,Welcome to have a glimpse of my life (单人照很少,大家都懂啊哈哈)

1. My job: makes me who I am today

2. My girl: she teaches me what unconditional love is and she tells me: "yes, you can twirl anytime and anywhere you want"

3. Being a Mom:听上去貌似重复,但是对我来说我向孩子学到的和我能努力给予她的是完全不同的,也是无法相比的


4. Travel: 对我来说目的地固然让人兴奋,好的travel companions和一路上的点点滴滴才是priceless

5. Home Sweet Home:没有什么比周五的下午走进安静整齐的家更让我放松的了,但是真正让我们happy的是the life we share here

6. Workout:A nice run clears my mind 对我来说锻炼是治愈一切的良药

7. Everything outdoors:给点阳光就灿烂的感觉太好

8. Wining and Dining: A meal without wine is like...a day without sunshine

9. Movies, books, museums, concerts and all things enchanting

10. Dolce Far Niente! 人生要留白,无所事事的闲逛才会有惊喜

最后几张Mother's Day那天闲逛的片,给大家送上一个迟到的祝福!

I can train my mind just like in 2012 Navaratri time when You gave me direction. Everything got derailed the past year and I am sure You will show me the light again.:
