Let me guess, you forgot about Daylight Savings Time and missed

来源: Warsteiner 2014-03-16 15:24:22 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (686 bytes)
Seriously, had you ever watched the game, any minute of it, you wouldn't have drawn that conclusion.

你这两句话,什么需要小林控制节奏之类的,就是每场比赛不管打成什么样 Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V?

小林上半场连打十一分钟,除了上来得了几分,有过任何拿得出手的节奏控制、帅才组织吗?他有过一次给 Howard 的 post entry pass 吗? 无数遍了,就是那种 ankel height soft bounce pass to Asik, 人家拿不住,好不容易拿住了也不容易投篮。下半场的进攻防守就都不说了。

全国免费转播,面对冠军队,前面连输两场,这场不打鸡血,什么时候打? 看看人家小贝的劲头,can someone light a fire under Lin's behind?



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