
来源: 2014-02-28 09:42:18 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
火箭或者冰箱并没有给小贝多少时间去证明,他早就在非常有限的机会证明了自己 - hard-nosed defensive player, fearless competitor, 一个任劳任怨的便宜蓝领工,而且他非常稳定。

很多同学说他经常投篮命中率不高,或者指挥能力差,别忘了,nobody expects him to be an offensive force. It's always a bonus if he scores 15 points and dish out 5 assists. Last night was super duper bonus. Coaching staff wants energy and effort from him, you can say whatever about PB's talent, but you can not question his energy.

他证明了自己。OTOH, 小林作为第六人,offensive spark, or controlling tempo, or organize offense, or set up teammates, 有一千条一万条理由,哪怕全是别人的错,但是你不能说小林稳定地做到了那几个要求。

Every player can cool off or stuck in a shooting slump, super stars included. But good players find another way to impact the game. 小林投篮不准的时候,就开始犹豫,而不是努力去抢篮板,努力防守,而是让时有时无的篮子彻底dictate他的game. 

We love to praise how Lin sacrifice himself for the team, but can you honestly say letting missed shot impacting his energy level is playing for the team? His on-man defense isn't elite, that's ok. But that shouldn't affect him playing the passing lane, isn't he supposed to have super court vision? His steals and rebounds, and usually assists are going down too. 

It's always easier to blame others. Let's step back and think about it for a second, what if this is a Swedish player, named Swan Swanson, and he had a Swansanity 2 years ago. Now he's paid 25 million for 3 years, he's a devoted Christine and a super nice person. With such production, do you feel all the outrage how everyone is doing him wrong? You may still like him as a person, but will you be that upset how he's not trusted or used properly etc etc?

Lin is Chinese, and we support him and want him do well, badly. But, let's stop blaming everyone except for him for a week or two. Let him figure out and play better. Everything else will be taken care by itself. His game on court decides everything.