Marbury was a cancer for almost all teams he played for...

来源: 2012-12-03 20:20:45 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
Timberwolves, left KG just wanted to be a lone wolf.
Nets, humiliated Keith Van Horn and kill team chemistry. The nets traded him for Kidd and became a dynasty.
Suns, didn't buy into d'antoni's system, didn't help develop amare stoudemire. The suns got rid of him and used the money to sign Nash and became a dynasty.
Knicks, conflict with all coaches he played for, the darkest days in Knick history.
Celtics, only played for a half season and didn't help the team at all.

After his contract expired, even he still in his prime age, not a single team in the NBA would give him a chance.

Then, the trashbury goes to china, and he become a treasurebury!?