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再咀嚼一段ESPN Rumor

地球人都知道Knicks最近换教练了. D教练和甜瓜不合,小林和大佬们的摩擦前段时间更是传的沸沸扬扬。

体坛专家说了ESPN就是最大的RUMOR MILL。可大妈连RUMOR都看不懂,大妈是不是NBA的看台还没摸着地哪?

体坛的老手,新粉们, 网亲们, 开场前,咱们先Warm up, 瞧瞧这一段ESPN的GOSSIP,

"Management, the coaching staff and the players know Anthony is hurting the offense and in turn, the defensive morale, according to the sources. While D'Antoni's offense calls for Anthony to
plant himself on the wing at the 3-point line, he often creeps in to his favorite spot in the floor -- the area between the elbow, the arc and the post. That kills the Knicks' ability to run the high pick-and-roll and ruins the spacing that is so critical to D'Antoni's offense."

这段话大模样是骂甜瓜不听D教练话。毁了高位挡拆和空间的:这个瓜瓜不把自己往翅膀上种,尽偷偷摸摸往他最喜欢的胳膊肘,弧线和标竿缝里钻。。。。什么翅膀, 胳膊肘,弧线和标竿缝, 天书的有木有?

大妈是篮球大米(dummy), 咱看图说话。图是大妈在网上劫的,又改的。

上次看了个球场的大模样,这次咱们再把站位点仔细瞅瞅, 再上个档次,提个素~~

Wing,侧翼区,  大妈洒蓝蓝粉的地方
High Post:
大妈泼土黄的半圆区, 高策应区, 罚球弧的周围
-elbow 肘区, ends of the free throw line where it intersects with the side of the key. 拐弯处,还真象是胳膊肘那块。难怪叫肘区;
       也见大家爱在那个区elbowing each other
- low post 三秒区内,篮筐两侧,靠近底线的那部分(低策应区), 也叫block. 篮球场上的G点,非常的Sensative.
- 低策应区中,顾名思义,位于High Post和 Low Post之间



4 战术篇

(ISO) 四位进攻球员在一边,而由第五位球员单吃对方防守球员

backdoor cut:从两边底线往篮下的战术

block out:把对方球员挡住,使其不易强到篮球赛,卡位


double team:用两位防守球员包夹进攻球员


give and go:(进攻方持球球员的)传切战术

jockey for position:(篮下)卡位


one-one-one defense:人盯人防守

press:紧逼(防守)。full-court press 全场紧逼;half-court press,半场紧逼。



Hang time:滞空时间,即运动员投篮时在空中停留的时间。

post-up play:(进攻方持球球员背对篮框)单吃对方防守球员之战术

triple team:用三位防守球员包夹进攻球员

zone defense:区域防守,区域联防


Backdoor paly:篮球基本战术之一。当一个队员在罚球弧周围接到球时,另一个动员立刻从弱侧切入篮下,接队友的传球投篮得分

:进攻方做掩护之球员的)挡切战术。Pick n‘ Roll是Malone和Stockton的看家本领。以pick为基础衍生出的战术还有pick-and-fade、pick-and-split等。Pick:掩护。

Case Study :

1. pickand roll

The pick and roll (also called screen and roll or shortened to screenroll, any of which may be hyphenated) in basketball is an offensiveplay in which a player sets a screen (pick) for a teammate handling the ball and then slips behind the defender (rolls) to accept a pass. Inthe NBA, the play came into vogue in the 1990s and has developed into the league's "bread and butter".

The play begins with a defender guarding a ballhandler. The ballhandler moves toward a teammate, who sets a "screen" (or "pick") by standing in the way of the defender, who is separated from the still-moving ballhandler. The defender is forced to choose between guarding the ballhandler or the screener. If the defender tries to guard the ballhandler, then the screener can move toward the basket, sometimes by a foot pivot ("roll"), and is now open for a pass. If the defender chooses instead to guard the screening teammate, then the ballhandler has an open shot. Alternatively, the ballhandler may pass the ball to an open teammate. A well-executed pick and roll is the result of teamwork.

The pick and roll is often employed by a shorter guard handling the ball and a taller forward or center setting the screen; if the taller defender switches to guard the ballhandler, then the offensive team can have favorable mismatches. The shorter guard has a speed advantage over the taller defender, while the taller forward has a size advantage over the shorter defender.

blah blah~~~看的头都大了,

简而言之: Pick & Roll 篮球中的基本进攻战术之一,就象面包黄油对老外,大米馒头对老中一样.
可能您耳朵都听的起茧了,可到底什么是pick,什么是roll,怎么pick 怎么 roll 呢?
进攻队员给持球的队友作掩护英语叫“set a pick” or "set a screen" (不是您家的纱窗挡苍蝇挡蚊子滴, 是挡人的),然后掩护队员向篮下移动叫“roll”,再接队友的传球,在无人防守的情况下投篮。


看小林和小J (Jeffries)是如何配合的 run the pick and roll to the perfection~


Step 1
:you'll see Lin run the pick-and-roll to perfection, with Jared Jeffrieson the receiving end of a pinpoint bounce pass.
Anyway, 小林持球. 小J掩护,和对方两人扭打着,这教叫 set a pick, J is Pick

Step 2
: Both defenders leave Jeffries, a player known more for being tall and lanky than for possessing any particular skill, to make sure Lin doesn't  beat them with his deadly jump shot
对方两人见小林带球要冲Lane,放弃除了又高又瘦就没啥比杀绝技的小J,开始扑小林,怕小林的jump shot.
注意哈, 小J开始滚roll,往篮下滚ing -rolling.....

Step 3
: As a result, Lin is quick to read the double team and find Jeffries rolling to the basket for an easy jam.
小林一看正好,你们两人夹击俺,俺一个精准的地板传球给小J,小J无人防守, 轻松上篮 ~~
perfect pick and roll 殴也,粉们欢呼后,上面的大妹子这才放心继续吃饭....


 New York Knicks vs Toronto Raptors 2 14 2012 4th Quarter




置顶级了 -game2010- 给 game2010 发送悄悄话 game2010 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/25/2012 postreply 00:20:56

教練要2控衛檢討 -lailiaotian- 给 lailiaotian 发送悄悄话 (360 bytes) () 03/25/2012 postreply 05:55:12

是要总结一下,高失误很可能会葬送胜利的机会 -sqllsq- 给 sqllsq 发送悄悄话 sqllsq 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/25/2012 postreply 06:23:13

失误也bad and good. 小林喜欢take the risk, 传球角度难, 队员配合不好 -Fengweidou- 给 Fengweidou 发送悄悄话 (313 bytes) () 03/25/2012 postreply 10:00:57

同意,TO需要看情形。 -toosad- 给 toosad 发送悄悄话 (341 bytes) () 03/25/2012 postreply 10:38:41

还有进攻犯规那个进球也算to. 这规则是真不合理:(( -Fengweidou- 给 Fengweidou 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/25/2012 postreply 10:47:29

昨晚,木教练吸取教训又回到D教练的打法了. 小林又开始aggressive 了. -Fengweidou- 给 Fengweidou 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/25/2012 postreply 09:45:16

写得这样好,应该置顶 -toosad- 给 toosad 发送悄悄话 (353 bytes) () 03/25/2012 postreply 14:55:20

几天没来,考古出来也要顶 :) -JieHu-- 给 JieHu- 发送悄悄话 JieHu- 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/26/2012 postreply 07:50:58



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