有关National Merit Finalists 的一些Facts

来源: 2017-10-01 13:40:51 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

1)根据PSAT成绩,National Merit Scholarship Corporation(NMSC)在每年的九月份从参加考试的Juniors(考试时)挑出16000人作为Nation Merit Semifinals. NMSC以每个州的top 1% PSAT成绩为依据确定名单。因此各州的cut off score有些不同


2)有15,000人进入下一步,成为National Merit Finalists — 成为NMSC的奖学金的候选人。名单在来年二月出炉。





What the Winners Get

The National Merit Scholarship Program awards three types of scholarships:

  • National Merit Scholarships provide $2,500 towards the student's freshman year of college. Even better, winning this scholarship (or being a finalist) is prestigious. Some colleges even boast about the number of "National Merit Scholars" they enroll. 
  • College-sponsored Merit Scholarships are four-year renewable awards ranging from $500 to $2,000 per year if the winner attends the college sponsoring the award.
  • Corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarships are four-year renewable awards ranging from $500 to $10,000 per year, or single-payment awards ranging from $2,500 to $5,000. Qualifications are set by the company.



4)获得奖学金的National Merit Finalists 进一步被称为National Merit Scholars








8)在申请项尖大学时,Semifinals 的状况似乎对于录取无甚帮助。但是与此同时Harvard有最多的National Merit Scholars就读


9National Merit Finalists 想要获得更多的merit scholarships,可以申请某些大学


