再说实质性的问题。 不知道提华邮关于Hunter的文章目的是什么

来源: 2020-12-28 13:11:55 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

我觉得该文写得中肯, Hunter的确犯错, 至少有利益冲突的问题。 是否违法另说。  但是该文总结的一句话:Hunter 错了, 他爸也说他错了, 他爸 (Joe Biden)应该把精力集中在把被川普摧毁的国家挽救回来这件事上。 

This is smoke without a fire. Hunter Biden erred. His father has said so quietly but clearly. He should get on with the business of trying to put the country back together after Trump’s ruinous presidency.
