
来源: 爱点心 2019-06-27 11:33:23 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2402 bytes)
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4. Get electronic copies of your records If you want a physical copy of your records, rather than a picture or copies you make yourself, you can limit the amount you must pay by asking for electronic copies only, rather than physical copies. HIPPA allows providers to charge “reasonable, cost-based fees,” for providing records, and covered providers are allowed to calculate these fees using different methods such as assessing actual costs or using average costs. However, as HHS said, covered entities can charge a flat fee of up to $6.50 total for electronic copies of all electronically-maintained personal health records. Always ask for your costs upfront to be sure. Many providers don’t want to go through the trouble of trying to use average cost or actual cost formulas, so they just charge this $6.50 fee. But there is no guarantee that $6.50 is all you’ll be charged — especially if your request is complicated or time-consuming for your provider to fulfill.




Breadcrumb Home / Who We Are / Blog Back to top State The Omnibus Rule, effective 9/23/2013, "allows for the identification of labor costs for copying protected health information (PHI), whether in paper or electronic form, which can include a reasonable cost-based fee for time spent creating and copying the file". The laws for copying medical records vary from state to state based on the statute passed by each state's legislation. Below are current fees for each state.

Alabama Search Fee: $5.00 Pages 1 - 25 : $1.00 per page Pages 26+ : $0.50 per page X-rays / Other Media: Actual cost of reproduction Per Section 12-21-6.1 Alabama Code Reproduction


Arizona Search Fee: $25.42 Pages 1 - 50 : $1.25 Pages 51 - 100 : $0.96 Pages 101+ : $0.62 Statute 12-2295


就是直接让一个医生给另外一个医生,更过分的是按次收费,转一次收一次的费 -爱点心- 给 爱点心 发送悄悄话 爱点心 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/27/2019 postreply 11:41:48

不是一回事,和信用卡差不多 -老农民说两句- 给 老农民说两句 发送悄悄话 老农民说两句 的博客首页 (240 bytes) () 06/27/2019 postreply 11:36:25

从一个医生办公室FAX到另外一个医生办公室,当时前台就说了,说是labor费 -爱点心- 给 爱点心 发送悄悄话 爱点心 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/27/2019 postreply 11:43:55

很抱歉,让你失望了,我用的是很好的保险 -爱点心- 给 爱点心 发送悄悄话 爱点心 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/27/2019 postreply 11:48:04

+无限大 -紫色海洋- 给 紫色海洋 发送悄悄话 紫色海洋 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/27/2019 postreply 12:08:17

"你的声音我听不见,现在太吵太乱“ -奔流12959- 给 奔流12959 发送悄悄话 (1566 bytes) () 06/27/2019 postreply 11:40:51

那你自动来对号入座我也没办法 -爱点心- 给 爱点心 发送悄悄话 爱点心 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/27/2019 postreply 11:47:04

现在都是电子记录最最关键的是病人的许可 -waterfalls- 给 waterfalls 发送悄悄话 (49 bytes) () 06/27/2019 postreply 11:50:21

人的嘴真硬,哈哈 -绿卡能- 给 绿卡能 发送悄悄话 绿卡能 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/27/2019 postreply 11:51:09

看看楼上这些急着洗地的,不过说了我收费的经历而已,动了谁的奶酪?你们慢慢洗吧 -爱点心- 给 爱点心 发送悄悄话 爱点心 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/27/2019 postreply 11:53:32

因为没办法说你是五m -绿卡能- 给 绿卡能 发送悄悄话 绿卡能 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/27/2019 postreply 11:57:22

这下五 毛可找到目标了,谁说美国没歧视? -MoonRiverMe- 给 MoonRiverMe 发送悄悄话 (33 bytes) () 06/27/2019 postreply 17:32:04

Haha -mean- 给 mean 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/27/2019 postreply 12:11:23

我真交钱搞了份拷贝,结果看第二个医生,人家说系统里能看到 -ctrls- 给 ctrls 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/27/2019 postreply 12:14:00

不按页数收费? -钱百万- 给 钱百万 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/27/2019 postreply 14:34:57

加拿大的医生转病历是要收费的. 安省本来要搞一个电子的病历系统, 信息共享, 最后烂尾了, 没搞成. -永远是中国人- 给 永远是中国人 发送悄悄话 永远是中国人 的博客首页 (431 bytes) () 06/27/2019 postreply 19:43:07
