
来源: 2018-08-12 21:20:06 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

我家的方法其实就是老公家从小培养的方法,因为对他非常有效果,结果对我家效果也很好。 他的阅读习惯到现在都是走到哪里书就到哪里,遗憾的是我没有这样的习惯,我是拖后腿的,他是我家的百科全书。

培养就是从两三岁开始每天全家要有一个小时的阅读时间,一块读。  这个习惯一直到孩子上2,3年级后才慢慢停了,因为她们已经习惯了阅读。  俩孩子在一年级就读完了《The Lord of Rings》,两个女儿小学年年都是百万字阅读俱乐部得奖成员。今年小女儿阅读了两百多万字的书。  书读多了,写起来就非常顺手。


 Where I’m From

I'm from messy countertops piled high with homework and my mom's photographs lining the walls, with my past artwork hanging in my dad's office,  loud washing machines with clothes, and fairy lights strung high, illuminating the house.


   I'm from grass wet with fresh morning dew, vines hanging overhead on branches, waiting to tumble down.  I’m from bubbling hot tubs saved for cold nights, and a hammock swinging merrily in the wind. Biking around trees, careful not to crash, and the scorching sun beating down upon my backs, with sunnier days to come.


 I’m from my Far-Far’s (丹麦语的爷爷)creaky old porch and vast living room.  Helena’s old swing set, sticky with massive cobwebs. My aunt and uncle’s office soft cat, Cat, and my sisters room with her tall wardrobe, with clothes strewn about.  My grandmas pile of stuffed animals, and my aunts foosball table.


 I’m from, “XXXX-er-XXXX”(我常常叫错名字,所以很多时候两个女儿名字一块叫,汗一个汗), “Do you homework!”, “Get off your phone!”, “Play piano!”, and “We’re late!!” (这都是来自我)


 I’m from gooey sugar potatoes that are thick with sauce, sweet donuts for breakfast that fill your mouth with sickly goodness, warm homemade bread that smells and tastes like heaven, and pasta with sauce so delicious your mouth will water.


 I’m from a willow tree so tall it’s branches brush the sky, wide, vast plains that filled with horses.  A chilly pond with ducks quacking at people who pass by, and a beautiful castle that leads to a sparkling ocean, with the lingering smell of sea salt.  I’m from the basement in Denmark, that’s full of promising adventures, yet to be explored, and my family, who are the best anyone could wish for.


Love,  X…..




这是小女儿五年级毕业设计的,用来作了学校典礼的封面, 而且她也是毕业典礼的主持之一。

