
来源: 2022-10-31 17:45:01 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:



[第一首,商籁体,即十四行诗(用莎士比亚式韵脚);第二首,徘句;第三首,自由体。初中英语课作业,破天荒地得了A. 不知泱泱大国,是否教孩子们学写古体诗词。传统呢?文化呢?数千年的文明呢?嗟乎!悲乎!]




Monday, 19 September 2022

5:35 pm





Her eyes are like crystals in the sunlight

They're bright as the eye of heavens beams

Her cheeks leave behind a rosy delight

She looks like one of those beautiful queens


Her hair as soft as fluffy white cotton

The warmth she gives is soothing to the heart

The joyful happiness that she bought in

Ayva and I can never be apart


She is the birth of my joy and daylight

She brings bliss to every room she enters

Her never-ending beauty is so bright

In my heart she is always the centre


Ayva will be my forever best friend

forever best friend till the very end





The colours shine bright

The happiness after rain

That lightens the day


The crashing waves

They collide with the sky

While the sun shines


When the snow glistens

They drift towards the ground

A cold winters day





Welcome to society

Please have an enjoyable stay

Make sure to be yourself

If it's the right way

We can make you stop smiling

And then ask why you frown

Just try as hard to be perfect

Or we will tear you down

We might tell you that you're useless

But don't take that to heart

We won't cause you too much stress

Unless it's for the best

You can share your opinions

If you put them in our view

We'll turn you into our minions

If you look too blue

Welcome to society

Just know that you can't leave




