
来源: 颤音 2017-02-19 12:25:30 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (5515 bytes)
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I made a one-man yacht,

When I was innocently young. 

I inscribed my dream into its decorative art, 

And installed my iron will so it would last long. 


I set sail on a day fair and clear, 

Crossing the winding river called Mortality.

I didn’t pay the river a penny of fear, 

Sailing towards the invisible bank called Eternity. 


I encountered a thick fog of desire,

And immersed in its seductive humidity.  

Then I encountered a blinding fog of greed,

And inflicted by its insidious morbidity.    


My heart chastised my eyes in a barrage,

Can’t you see anything true other than a mirage?







欣赏! -一剑天涯- 给 一剑天涯 发送悄悄话 一剑天涯 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 02/20/2017 postreply 04:00:26


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