
来源: 2018-07-21 05:32:26 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

昨晚想抓二囡练琴,到处躲我,不肯。我逼迫不成,只好妥协,说给你两个选择:要么练琴,要么睡觉。二囡大哭。烦得我去灌水,懒得理她。她就自己横躺在椅子上,边掉眼泪抽抽,边自言自语:Life is hard. I don’t want to do anything. Both of the choices are not good. That leaves me with no choice. What shall I do? Leave this house and never come back? No good choices...

我一看就说那你就去睡觉。她又接着哭:I am still thinking about my choices. I am not done with thinking yet! 我就走开了,任凭她自言自语,车轱辘话反复说着思考。十几分钟后,她来找我,I made my choice. I am going to bed!

7, 这么一番折腾,最后还是不练琴啊?早知道直接抓来上床不就完了?!
