【 单 车 行 】

来源: 2012-08-25 12:58:42 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Starting point: A lovely day to begin my vacation

(Late afternoon; the high was around 75 degrees & breezy)

Day One

Peugeot: My long-time companion

Farm land: Identical bridges across the streams and creeks zigzagging the area

Riding in the fragrance of ra*****erry bush and apple trees

A beautiful strecth of the route

Houses on the butte

More farm land

The 9-mile mark

Ladies on horseback

A gentle draft horse with huge hooves

"It's okay to touch!"

A female jogger pointed out a tiny snake


Back at the parking lot

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