
来源: firefly18 2016-02-15 17:02:39 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (3081 bytes)
华人看过来,纽约退休警察是这样评论梁警官一案的纽约退休警官Edward Munoz在radio show “Everything matters” 中谈论梁警官。www.WLINY.com.   录音:http://apps.streamlicensing.com/player-popup.php?sid=4552&stream_id=8581


电台内容【Main point 1. Politicians used Liang as sacrificed scapegoat 2. This will change the dynamic of policing and it will hurt communities want to raise families safely 3. Encouraging people to join protest in NY4. Three families destroyed, the victim and two policemen 5. There are 3 retired ny policemen will help Liang6. Chinese American community is usually quiet and silent, 7. Accident as tragic as this happens 8. Mr Liang felt betrayed, he went on doing his job but he was betrayed 9.  They will help Liang and keep on fighting 】

那些自恨自责的华人们,wakeup, 说: no more scapegoat!!


(注:2个警察一起巡逻的,检察官说白人警察能证明梁有罪,就不起诉他。他做伪证了, 也被警察局fired)




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