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Cop Who Fatally Shot Unarmed Man Allegedly Texted Union Rep Instead Of Getting Help



One of two Wanted posters put up at the Pink Houses (via News); victim Akai Gurley (Facebook)


The rookie cop who shot and killed an unarmed man in a Brooklyn housing project stairwell last month allegedly chose to text his union representative before calling for help for the victim, according to anonymous sources with knowledge of the investigation.

The Daily News has published a damning report quoting sources who say Officer Peter Liang and his partner Shaun Landau were "incommunicado for more than six and a half minutes" right after the fatal shooting of Akai Gurley. During that time, the cops’ commanding officer and an emergency operator tried to contact them, but couldn't reach them.

"That’s showing negligence,” one source told the tabloid. "The guy is dying and you still haven’t called it in?" To add to the muddle: the source told them the officers weren't even sure of what the exact address was for the Pink Houses, where the shooting occurred. 

Liang shot 28-year-old Gurley, whom NYPD Commissioner Bratton described as a "total innocent," on Nov. 20th. Gurley had entered a dark stairwell with his girlfriend at the Pink Houses in East New York shortly after 11 p.m., just as Liang and Landau were proceeding down from the landing one flight up as part of their vertical patrol. No words were exchanged between the two parties, but Liang, who was carrying a flashlight and whose gun was already drawn, fired one round, fatally striking Gurley in the chest.

The NYPD has been roundly criticized for sending rookies to do these vertical patrols, but there's one more absolutely infuriating detail from the News' source on that matter: they weren't even supposed to be doing a vertical patrol. Deputy Inspector Miguel Iglesias, then the head officer of the local housing command, had ordered them not to go inside the building. "They’ve done verticals before," a police source said of Liang and Landau. "But Iglesias’ philosophy was, ‘I want a presence on the street, in the courtyards — and if they go into the buildings they were just supposed to check out the lobby." 

Iglesias was reportedly furious after the shooting, saying at one point, "I told them not to do verticals."

Gurley's funeral is scheduled for tomorrow at 11 a.m. at the Brown Memorial Baptist Church in Fort Greene; Rev. Al Sharpton will deliver the eulogy. His family spoke to the public today for the first time since the shooting.

"I would be surprised if it is not at least presented to a grand jury," Kenneth Montgomery, a lawyer for Gurley’s parents, added. "It’s a debacle and it speaks of criminal negligence." Great, a grand jury.



看来你洗刷了造谣的指控。 -水中捞月- 给 水中捞月 发送悄悄话 水中捞月 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 13:56:54

俺不造谣。但是,也说明一个案件的审判很复杂,有许多细节需要核实。一碰就跳难免被人利用。 -yukimama- 给 yukimama 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:07:41

这是14 年的文章,如果你看庭审记录,开枪以后是两个警察在争执应该报谁,头几分种他并不知道伤了人 -一笑拉- 给 一笑拉 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:01:22

应该立刻报警局。这个争执非常不好。 -yukimama- 给 yukimama 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:09:07

这跟法庭不矛盾。他俩花了14分钟商量对策,找子弹,想办法如何开脱。跨过浑身是血的人不救,也不叫救护车 -味苦- 给 味苦 发送悄悄话 味苦 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:10:27

我把这段high light,让说造谣的来看 -味苦- 给 味苦 发送悄悄话 味苦 的博客首页 (1040 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:07:16

赞成这样高清事实,分清是非再上街闹。否则无理闹三分,自毁形象,是逼大家回国的节奏么? -多运动- 给 多运动 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:13:44

呵呵,你胆子真够大的,人家游个行你就自己要吓回国了.... 人家挺OJ的黑人群众们只等如果宣布有罪就要大闹一场,人家怎么没有任何 -Beezlenut- 给 Beezlenut 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:22:03

他把一路人给打死了,你们还要上街闹,红卫兵么? -多运动- 给 多运动 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:41:56

他根本就是unintentioanlly firing,凭什么2nd degree manslughter?你要是怕,赶紧和周围 -Beezlenut- 给 Beezlenut 发送悄悄话 (227 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:46:11

人身攻击就没意思了,恕不奉陪。玩好。 -多运动- 给 多运动 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 15:02:41

莫名其妙,我哪一个词人身攻击了?哪怕就算在你说我是红卫兵之后? -Beezlenut- 给 Beezlenut 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 15:06:25

您够激动的,勇敢,记得要付诸行动,先赞了! -多运动- 给 多运动 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 15:18:21

我也ZT一段话吧 -一笑拉- 给 一笑拉 发送悄悄话 (1618 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:22:29

不是经常有一些亚裔呛声,表示自己是正义的化身,大义凌然地打压别的亚裔嘛? -Manymore- 给 Manymore 发送悄悄话 Manymore 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:29:11

其实有些亚裔平时就是狠不得把自己和亚裔身份分割开来,所以在亚裔和其他族裔的利益冲突中,绝对中立,生怕被人盯上认出自己是亚裔了,呵 -Beezlenut- 给 Beezlenut 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:37:27

中立倒也罢了... -Manymore- 给 Manymore 发送悄悄话 Manymore 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:42:53

我看到的报导说楼里灯坏了,电梯坏了,说不让他们进去。不过后来找不到那篇文章了。 -ca2004- 给 ca2004 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:17:14

他们是新手,所以不懂。贸然进去也可以理解。但是后面做的每一步都错了。难辞其咎! -yukimama- 给 yukimama 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:21:02

1不用进楼 2不用对声音开枪(打了手电)3早救人。只要不死人什么事都没有 -味苦- 给 味苦 发送悄悄话 味苦 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:21:10

这个可以用行政处分,犯不着因为那个坐牢吧? -汉口鸟堂- 给 汉口鸟堂 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:21:55

光这个确实不用。可后面步步错。 -yukimama- 给 yukimama 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:23:22

所有法庭没charge这个 -味苦- 给 味苦 发送悄悄话 味苦 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:28:25

华人世界普遍性的错误是不基于事实的非逻辑性的思维和辩论,这可能与非民主的childhood成长的环境有关。 -gegenion- 给 gegenion 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:22:06

工作中也有这样的。认为被歧视。有些是事实,有些就是自己看低自己 -yukimama- 给 yukimama 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:25:33

美国警察出事后改现场做假证据的很多 -布哈林- 给 布哈林 发送悄悄话 (100 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:12:43

或许。不过人家没有被定罪。小偷很多没有被抓。不能说所有小偷都不可以抓了吧 -yukimama- 给 yukimama 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:14:17

如只是走火, 不知伤人, 还不能算罪, 事实你我都不知道, 谁都别下结论。 -布哈林- 给 布哈林 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:19:53

这个同意的。所以,别起哄。静观事态发展。真有种族歧视,再斗争 -yukimama- 给 yukimama 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:22:19

这个新闻来源是 anonymous sources,在信之前不应该先打个问号吗 -CRUSH- 给 CRUSH 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:21:25

所以说不要起哄嘛! -yukimama- 给 yukimama 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:24:11

什么起哄? 不支持,就围观? -CRUSH- 给 CRUSH 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:26:35

总不能还没搞清事实,被人振臂一呼,就上赶子吧。 -yukimama- 给 yukimama 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:28:21

你的关注点错了,现在支持的是抗议被不公平对待,今天梁被定罪而没有华裔支持的话,明天任何华裔都可能被弃子 -CRUSH- 给 CRUSH 发送悄悄话 (187 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:41:20

放下吧。三代四代都认为被歧视的,那是黑人。我们的后代要是这样就回中国好啦。完全可以挺胸抬头地做人。 -yukimama- 给 yukimama 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 15:56:48

从第一个华人到美国已经超过四代了吧,到今天华裔还是被easy pick 的一群人,你说有没有歧视呢 -CRUSH- 给 CRUSH 发送悄悄话 (102 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 17:17:19

在正式的审讯里根本没有拿来作为证据 -Manymore- 给 Manymore 发送悄悄话 Manymore 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:27:03

这个上级让没让去vertical patrol, 在整个案件的审理中不重要。要是追加这个情况,对梁将更不利。 -gegenion- 给 gegenion 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:27:36

是的。 -yukimama- 给 yukimama 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:29:17

检察官是真厉害。如果照我们普通人就钻这个不重要的细节了。胡乱开枪,后面不救人才是重点。 -yukimama- 给 yukimama 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:33:18

犯案的第一时间找工会的头;后来竟然辞退工会律师。出尔反尔,搞不懂。 -rubikscube- 给 rubikscube 发送悄悄话 rubikscube 的博客首页 (89 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:24:38

好多疑问。警局现在对他基本放弃。为啥?绝不是种族歧视那么简单。 -yukimama- 给 yukimama 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2016 postreply 14:26:51



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