
来源: 2017-06-20 14:31:07 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

您的意思是我们最好是撤掉目前的I-485,然后10月份再递交比较保险?我刚查了USCIS的状态,显示:Fingerprint Fee Was Received. Your case is now properly filed.” 我想这还只是最初状态吧。但是昨天又收到了USCIS给出的要求去当地USCIS收集biometrics。 
-Then, just go to do it because it does not hurt you anything even if you withdraw the I-485. 

现在很矛盾,不知道怎么办才好!律师建议现在就撤销,并说filing fee一般是不可能退回了。如果USCIS接收我们的case,而我们request the withdrawal of the case, 他们会退还filing fee 吗?
-No, they will not return the fee to you if they accepted your case, i.e. sent you the I-485 receipt notice.. Have you got the I-485 receipt notice yet? If yes, just check whether the receipt date is in May 31 or earlier, and if yes, then you are fine. If it is June 1 or later, then you had better withdraw the I_485 as the lawyer suggested.

现在距离10月份还有一些时间。能不能一直等到九月份才考虑request the withdrawal of the case呢?
-Had better do it in later July or early August because it takes some time for USCIS to revoke your case.

