月光下的睡莲 16

来源: 颤音 2019-06-21 11:39:48 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (7531 bytes)
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    连续几天夏日的炙烤, Sangre de Cristo 山上的雪已经不见踪影。 落日的余温和清爽的微风和阑杯中的 Riesling 是完美的匹配。 Riesling 是阑的最爱, 通常喝的是德国或是美国产的。 而这瓶 Riesling 是朝从巴黎带回来的, 2004 年的 Vintage 产自阿尔萨斯的 Domaine Weinbach 带着阑最喜欢的杏和菠萝的味道, 又甜得恰到好处, 依然有 Riesling 的干爽透出来, 留在舌尖。 阑慢慢地品着, 偶尔用手揉搓一下朝的头发, 偶尔用脚晃两下摇椅。 朝无声地躺在摇椅上, 头枕在阑的大腿上。 旅途的疲劳让朝今天不胜酒力。 越来越深的醉意让他闭上了眼睛。 圆桌上的蓝牙音箱的音乐从萨克斯换成了圆润的男声。


Drunk on a summer night


You opened a bottle of tawny Port,

when I gazed at the ebbing tides.

Inch by inch night gown covered the fort.

Sip by sip we slipped into moonlight.

My hands too shaky to pour you a drink.

But my feet still wobbled towards you.

Into you my world was to shrink.

A world in my arms tight and true.


I was drunk on a summer night,

half on the Port wine,

half on the candle light,

flickering in your eyes and mine.


My head swirled for a pillow,

found your laps that were mellow.

I felt floating in the sleeping sea,

a sea of candles surrounding me.   

Your fingers combed my hair,

and mesmerized me like a lullaby.

Your breath sweetened the air,

and immersed me in a cherry pie.


I was drunk on a summer night,

half on the Port wine,

half on the candle light,

flickering in your eyes and mine.




    朝睁开了眼睛, 看着阑泛红的双颊, 和耳朵上摇曳的耳环, 那是他从巴黎选的礼物, Infinity 符号的耳环, 下方的环里嵌着一粒珍珠, 闪着歌里唱的烛光。     


    “今晚我可以留下来吗? 我是开不了车了。


    阑低下头, 吻了朝的额头, 算是回答。

1-15 在这里








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