
来源: 色大胆小 2018-07-02 16:31:00 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (9662 bytes)
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1. 启动菜单(Start Menu)不见了. 幸好网上找来了这个:


In the Windows 8 Desktop, launch Windows Explorer, click the View tab on the toolbar, and check the box next to "Hidden items." That will display folders and files that are normally hidden from view.

Windows 8 Windows Explorer

2. Right-click the taskbar and select Toolbars-->New Toolbar.

Add a toolbar to Windows 8

3. From the screen that appears, navigate to Program DataMicrosoftWindowsStart Menu and select it. That will place a Start Menu toolbar on the far right of the taskbar. If you want to move the Start Menu toolbar to the right, right-click the taskbar, uncheck "Lock the Taskbar" and drag to the right. Lock it when you have it where you want.

4. You can now use the Start Menu by clicking the double-headed arrow. It works just like previous versions of Windows.

第二个学习的是组合键,特别是 Win+其它键,有许多都很快速。我最常用到的,估计要数 Win+ D -- 显示桌面。


因为计算机比较老,带不动窗口10,所以8估计就到头了。一旦微软不支持窗口8,唯一的出路就将是LINUX。最近学习了LUBUNTU,是针对老旧计算机的,基于UBUNTU得一个分支。比我以前玩的PUPPY LINUX 占用资源要多一些。网上有许多教程,比如这个:


按照教程装好后遇到的第一个问题,是NUM LOCK键默认不是打开的。幸好网上有人解惑,我就跟着学习了:

sudo su -

 apt-get install numlockx

restart the computer.








不都创10了嘛,怎么还8? -早晨从中午开始- 给 早晨从中午开始 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2018 postreply 19:02:08

正在想说,谁还在用窗8。估计也是太激动了。 -徒劳- 给 徒劳 发送悄悄话 徒劳 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2018 postreply 19:10:18

用个10就激动成这样,一点也不稳重。。 -早晨从中午开始- 给 早晨从中午开始 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2018 postreply 19:49:29

我的机子太老,温10带不动 -色大胆小- 给 色大胆小 发送悄悄话 色大胆小 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2018 postreply 20:06:19
