【鹦鹉学舌续】 Chickenfeed + 一点BT小总结

来源: 2010-12-27 09:52:52 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
【鹦鹉学舌续】Chickenfeed  + 一点BT小总结

Words and Their Stories: Chickenfeed (second half)

My version:

Original VOA version:

Spy expert Henry S. A. Becket writes that some German spies working in London during the war also worked for the British. The British government had to make the Germans believe their spies were working. So, British officials gave them mostly false information. It was called chickenfeed.

The same person who protests that he is working for chickenfeed may also say, "I am working for peanuts." She means she is working for a small amount of money.

It is a very different meaning from the main one in the dictionary. That meaning is small nuts that grow on a plant.

No one knows for sure how a word for something to eat also came to mean something very small. But, a peanut is a very small food.

The expression is an old one. Word expert Mitford Mathews says that as early as eighteen fifty-four, an American publication used the words peanut agitators. That meant political troublemakers who did not have a lot of support.

Another reason for the saying about working for peanuts may be linked to elephants. Think of how elephants are paid for their work in the circus. They receive food, not money. One of the foods they like best is peanuts.

When you add the word gallery to the word peanut you have the name of an area in an American theater. A gallery is a high seating area or balcony above the main floor.

The peanut gallery got its name because it is the part of the theater most distant from where the show takes place. So, peanut gallery tickets usually cost less than other tickets. People pay a small amount of money for them.


本人现在是本谭马同学鹦鹉教的,可能是大加拿“爱的忙蹲”Edmonton总舵的加州小分舵成员,目前小分舵仅俺一人,且处于自学自扣状态 :)

那个啥,不管什么教,什么招,要是人讲他/她的亲身实践,有理有据的俺都爱看。俺个人非常不喜欢乱七八糟,东贴西转,自相矛盾的理论经验。如果俺要向大家推荐一个东西,电影也罢,学习方法也罢,首先它要打动俺,俺也踹过了,有感觉了,俺把自己的想法和收益拿出来和大家分享,俺总嚼的这样才有点说服力不是。俺总不能一脸大麻子的站街吆喝卖"去斑霜"不是?当然俺自己被自己感动的鼻涕眼泪一把抓,围观的人民群众岿然不动的情况也是屡见不鲜。那是俺道行不够,还要加强修炼力度的说, 可诚意俺总奉上了不是?

马同学早先给俺传鹦鹉教 - 一句一句跟读的时候,俺把他当街头卖大力丸的无异。俺觉的那样太磨人,太慢,太初级。单词的发音俺也凑合,音标俺也清楚,不想十天半月或更多时间的耗在一篇短文上。

可俺琢磨着但为什么俺读来读去,还是老腔老调,或者说在大量的朗读练习后,俺发现俺的错误没改什么,只是犯的更流利了。 阅读大家都知道有精读和泛读,朗读中也有精读和泛读。俺这么哈哈镜一照的,发现自己的精读作的太差了,几乎没有,所以很早就瓶颈了。





It is a very different meaning from the main one in the dictionary. That meaning is small nuts that grow on a plant.

Demo: (click play button, please)

  • 要拖长的单词,俺会给它们上面标个“—”,比如上面的“main” “grow”这是俺自几编的code,意思是“拖长符”
  • 要重读的音节,俺会标上“`”
  • 要升的地方,标个上箭头
  • 要读成一堆的词组,把它们圈起来
  • 特别拐的单词,俺会写上汉字,这点相当BT,俺并不是要发那个汉字的音,它只是给俺提个醒,比如说上面的“meaning”,俺会上它上面注上“米宁”。当然俺是笨人锉招,您要是记性好悟性高,您可以不必这么下三滥。这招对俺来说倒是最管用的,嘿嘿


俺娃说俺读的象spanish, 估计是对俺给他的圣诞礼物不满的发泄,就不跟小人计较了;老公考虑到吃饭问题,死扣着一个“好”字,后来在俺的严刑拷打和威逼利诱下,吐出一句“很有美国中部大农村的风味”。NND,俺容易吗,大过年,家里被埋汰不说,还出来丢人现眼的。。。

祝大家新年工作顺利,英语学习更上一层楼 :))


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