
来源: 2010-12-09 12:52:17 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

在英语文学中布朗宁和他的夫人都是写爱情诗的顶尖高手,留下来许多有意思的传说。我现在说一个与大家分享。据说布朗宁在要他的未来的太太跟他私奔到 意大利去之前,他想从书架上拿本书来预测此行的运气。结果他随手拿到的是一本用英文写的意大利文的语法书。他接着翻,希望翻到连接词或和所有格的章节,可 是却翻到了翻译练习。他看到的是这个练习题:

"If we love in the other world as we do in this, I shall love thee to eternity."

这里的the other world 该怎么翻?


Everybody has two worlds to live in.

Every one living in this world, sooner or later, will move into the other world, in one way or another.

Try to stay in this world as long as you can, since life in the other world might be very very long, dark, cold and lonely.