APAD: First Dibs

来源: 2024-04-30 08:35:40 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


This is an exclamation that is used, primarily by children but also by adults,

to establish a claim on something. The first person to call out 'dibs' or 'first

dibs' has the option on the first use or the ownership of the item claimed.



The OED lists many meanings of the word dib, and among them

  - A game played by children (also called dibbs, or dibstones) with pebbles or

    the knucklebones of sheep; also the name of the play pieces - known since

    the late 17th century.

  - A children's word to make first claim on something - known since 1907.


- www.phrases.org.uk [edited]



I remember "dibs" from "Stand By Me," the movie made from a Stephen King novel.

Four boys, Chris, Gordie, Vern, and Teddy, found the body of a local kid who was

hit by a train. They clashed with a gang of older boys who came back for the

body (they saw it first). Chris told ACE, the mob boss, and Eyeball to back off.


    CHRIS (trembling voice, as he steps forward): You get away, man. We found him. We got dibs.

    ACE: Oh ... I guess we better start running, Eyeball. They got dibs.