high key

来源: 2023-01-30 12:35:30 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

I bought a beginner level DSLR more than 10 years ago for my husband, hoping he could learn photography  and take some nice pictures for me and our family. But he was not  into it.  He basiclly used the "Auto" mode when taking picures with this camara. I don't know about photograph either.

That is why I didn't know what is "High Key" mean when I saw 移花's post titled "high key" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/279147.html.

After 移花' explaination, now I know  that "high key" is a term in photography, featureing a bright, white background in pictures. 移花 also shared a tip to take better snow pictures by increasing EV ( Exposure value).

Starting from saterday night, snow started falling in our town. After I  got up in the morning of Sunday, the first thing I did was to open the curtains of the windows.  Wow, A white winter wonderland came into my eyes. Large snow flakes was falling slowing and softly on the alrady heavily-covered ground and roof, bushes and trees. 

I am not not a person who enjoy winter much.  I stay inside lots of time when it is too cold outside. But I was so impressed by 移花's snow scenry  pictures. I would like to go out and take some picures this time.

I googled internet  to find  out how to change the EV in my camara. it turned out there is a EV button on top of the camara which I had never payed attention.

At about 3pm on Sunday afternoon, the snow stopped falling, we walked out and headed to a nearby trail. we were amazed by what's in front of us.


(1.1) after PS by 移花





