2023 New Year reflection

来源: 2023-01-01 21:56:46 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

2023 new year Reflections  


A new year is upon us, just at the corner, several hours away. 

Though it is not my habit to make new year resolutions at the new year eve, these days as I reflected on my 2021-2022, I felt the impulse to summarize the past year and set up some goals for 2023 lest I might forget some of the experiences. 

 Three weeks ago, I was mentally stressed by an interview once my department manager’s email reached me saying that my current position will be ended by the end of December.What??!!! Lost a job in New Year is absolutely not a new year gift deserved by meif you have bills to pay, family to feed, Kids and parents to support, and the possibility of lost job would bear too much in your heart. I felt very stressful at the beginning several days, and wont dare to talk with my wife about it just as I don’t want to make her worried.  

However, worrying won't help, and I got to do something. I started to prepare the backup solutions in order to prevent the worst situation. My backup solutions include contacting with my previous Manager as well as my known cardiologists, and the responses are positive. Once the backups are ready, I felt much released and can focus on my upcoming interview. 

During the one-week time prior to the interview, I felt I was mentally growing up and matured. When you are in a difficulty time, eventually, it is yourself who can help you. Someone else could help you only if you can help yourself. I carefully prepared all the possible interview questions, and wrote down the answers, revised again and again. I performed well on the interview day and was told in the interview that I will be transferred to a new position. A near-nightmare was finished and I felt I got the best Christmas in my life till now. 

My 2022 was a year full of wonders and beauty and ended with a perfect ending. 

My goals for 2023 will be outlined at a later time. However, I wish everyone a prosperous 2023!

Following are the representative pictures of my 2022: 

Johnson Canyon's Winter:

Summer of Whitehorn camping ground:

Summer of Banff Town and nearby:


Mountain forgot-me-not

Fall time of Golden Larch near Lake Louse:

Fall time of Wedge Pond in Kananaskis country


Winter in Payto lake




