祝美风和梅雨潭网友节日快乐, 写首应景歌 Would You Mind

来源: 2022-12-25 16:49:43 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Would You Mind

             By David

Would you mind 
If I took some of your time
By my side, without a word
Would you mind
If I showed you a view
With blue mountains and grassland

I want the whole world to know
That how much I love you
You gave me something
That no one had before
I want the whole world to know
That how much I need you
When I only see the rain
You brought me the sunshine

Would you mind 
If I wrote a song for you
With the rhyme flowing into your heart
Would you mind 
If I held your hand
One step closer, until the end of time
感谢主, 感恩生活, 有感而发, 借了移花两句歌词。
请神父为爸爸妈妈做完弥撒走出教堂, 脑海中出现旋律, 大姐大在车里等我给闪了张照片说老公真挺拔, 看来打累脖还是有好处的哈!

圣诞大餐我掌勺: 葱烧海参, 龙虾, Grilled rainbow trout 和 孜然羊肉,
可惜酒量是零, 喝完一罐儿啤酒唱歌舌头就不利索了:)