【E龙接故事】08 A large long face , story of “large “

来源: 2022-11-13 15:21:19 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Large has the same pronunciation as Garbage in Chinese Language (垃 圾)

one of my teachers when I was a student in a university alway said Large very

slowly with strong tone , we always laughed at him behind his his back. For 

example,  “a large ”company sounds like “a garbage ”company (垃圾公司).

Around 10years ago, one of my friend told me her husband opened a company named

"Large ".  I smiled, did not tell her about the story.

Today I found this name is for sale, as it is a valuable ID. Haha