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今天收到email, 题目是: What do you think of...? We are all ears.

这个说法太妙了,We are all ears! “您对。。。怎么看? 我们洗耳恭听。”

想起英语中很多别的例子,用身体部位表达意思的。 现在试着总结一下:(以后想起来继续添加)

1. sweet tooth (爱吃甜食)I have a sweet tooth. 我爱吃甜食。

2. green thumb (绿手指,会种花种菜的人)You have a green thumb. 

3. big heart (大心 - 心胸宽广,博爱?) He has a big heart. 不是说某人的心脏有什么问题,而是指心里包容的东西多,爱的广?

4. big mouth 大嘴巴,嘴快,保不住秘密的人

5. brown-nose: 棕色鼻子,低三下四地拍马屁。 可以说某人是个brown noser. 记得读研的时候美国同学形容另外一个同学: His nose is so brown! 我当时完全不明白啥意思,同学解释,懂了。 后来没怎么用过。

网络解释:brown noser (plural brown nosers) (idiomatic) One who brownnoses (flatters or humors somebody in an obsequious manner for personal gain); one who sucks up; a bootlicker, ass-kisser, sycophant.

网络解释:Brown-nose came into use in the 1930s in the American armed forces, and is based on the image of the servile position of sticking one's nose into someone's anus. Surprisingly, though the idiom has a vulgar origin, the term brown-nose or brownnose is not currently considered to be a vulgar term.

6. nosy (or nosey) - adj. 爱管/好奇别人的闲事儿。

7. butt heads: v. 与某人进行强烈碰撞/激辩/冲突/竞争

网络解释:The idioms butt heads and bump heads mean to come into conflict, to argue, to clash, to be in opposition, to disagree strongly, to compete.

8. redneck: 红脖子,乡巴佬,大老粗。

9. kick ass 超级棒的

网络解释:strikingly or overwhelmingly tough, aggressive, powerful, or effective: He finally built himself a kick-ass computer.

10. dumb-ass: 笨蛋


  1. a stupid or contemptible person.
    "we have a dumbass of a mayor"
  1. stupid; contemptible.
    "dumbass politicians"

11. a**hole 混蛋,骂人的话

网络解释:a stupid, irritating, or contemptible person.

12. butt-dial (不小心手机拨通别人的电话号码)。想象一下,大部分人把手机放在牛仔裤后面的兜里,坐下的时候,或者不小心挤一下,号码就拨出去了。 "Sorry, it's a butt dial."

13. Give me a hand: 搭把手

14. hand-me-down(s): 一般指衣服,哥哥姐姐穿过的给小弟弟小妹妹的,也可以指别人穿过的。

15. twist someon's arm: 扭动某人的手臂。 劝说(强求)某人(本不愿意做某事)去做某事

例子:My wife really had to twist my arm to get me to apologize to my boss.

16. A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips. 嘴上痛快一秒,臀部累赘一辈子。 如果一个人尽情吃喝,会长成大胖子。

17. pull someone's leg: 开玩笑地说谎 infml to tell someone something that is not true as a way of joking with the person: Stop pulling my leg (你别逗了。。。)

18. Break a leg! 意思是Good luck! 祝你好运。 这个词组比较特别,因为断条腿,怎么会是好运呢?搜了一下,明白了,这个说法源自舞台表演的场合,20世纪初,演员上场前,如果直接说“祝你好运”,大家担心会有坏运气临头,因为经常反面的结果会发生。所以才说“断条腿”,期望它的反面-- 完美的表演会发生。 



People say things like “knock on wood“, “quit cold turkey“, “cat’s out of the bag“, “take it with a grain of salt“, and “spill the beans” all the time, along with this common idiom: “break a leg.”

“Break a leg” meaning

“Break a leg” is a phrase that means “good luck.” It’s typically said to actors before they go on stage for a performance, particularly on opening night. It’s not limited to performers, though; you can say this phrase to anyone.

Here are some examples of how to use it in a sentence:

  • “I can’t wait to see you perform tonight—break a leg!”
  • “I hear you have a big presentation at work tomorrow—break a leg.”

Another idiom with an interesting meaning: Dime a dozen. You have to go back centuries to understand what it means!

“Break a leg” origin

The phrase is believed to be rooted in the theatre community, which is known to be a bit superstitious. Performers believed saying “good luck” would actually bring bad luck on stage, so they’d tell one another to “break a leg” instead. That way, the opposite would happen. Instead of breaking a leg, the performer would put on a flawless performance. It’s believed to have originated in the American theatre scene in the early 20th century. Some believe it was adapted from the German saying “Hals-und Beinbruch,” which means “neck and leg break.”  That phrase may also be derived from the Hebrew blessing “hatzlakha u-brakha,” which means “success and blessing.”



