【E诗配画】真人朗诵 -- Open Secret

来源: 2022-11-01 00:24:35 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

今年夏天去西雅图旅行,第一次近观 Mt. Rainier ,着实为它的大气壮美所倾倒。

回来后我先生用他拍的视频和照片做了一个slide show。当我看到美语坛“E诗配画”的活动号召后,便决定朗诵一首关于雷尼尔雪山的英文诗,配上音乐视频秀,来支持这次活动。


题目叫Open Secret,作者是在从英国移民到美国的诗人Denise Levortov (1923–1997)。Ms. Levortov 生命的最后十年里常住在华盛顿州,写下了许多描写Pacific Northwest 迤逦风光的诗作。



Open Secret                 
by Denise Levertov 
Perhaps one day I shall let myself
approach the mountain—
hear the streams which must flow down it,
lie in a flowering meadow, even
touch my hand to the snow.
Perhaps not. I have no longing to do so.
I have visited other mountain heights.
This one is not, I think, to be known
by close scrutiny, by touch of foot or hand
or entire outstretched body; not by any
familiarity of behavior, any acquaintance
with its geology or the scarring roads
humans have carved in its flanks.
This mountain’s power
lies in the open secret of its remote
apparition, silvery low-relief
coming and going moonlike at the horizon,
always loftier, lonelier, than I ever remember.