Thank you so much for sharing Yanzi!

来源: 2014-07-02 06:31:10 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

I am so impressed by so many classics you have read! And I am so glad that you love Middlemarch. I am going to move it up in my list. I also read The Moveable Feast because of your recommendation and I loooove it! Thank you!
By the way, I am glad to find out that we have a huge overlao on our favorite authors and books. I also like F Scott Fitzgerald, Heminway, Henry James( for his The Wings of the Dove and a Portrait of a Lady), Vanity Fair, Jane Austen, and E.M. Forster for his Howards End. I am looking forward to your other recommendations.