
来源: 2016-12-06 20:37:48 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


 第四, 规定所有白宫与国会官员离职5年之内不能担任政治说客(公司或团体的在政府内部拥有关系、能为公司或团体谋利益的人)。

● 第五,规定所有白宫与国会官员终身不能担任其他国家政府的政治说客。

● 第六, 规定禁止其他国家的说客为美国大选筹款。


Mr. Dole, a lobbyist with the Washington law firm Alston & Bird, coordinated with Mr. Trump’s campaign and the transition team to set up a series of meetings between Mr. Trump’s advisers and officials in Taiwan, according to disclosure documents filed last week with the Justice Department. Mr. Dole also assisted in successful efforts by Taiwan to include language favorable to it in the Republican Party platform, according to the documents.

Mr. Dole’s firm received $140,000 from May to October for the work, the forms said.