
来源: 2014-04-24 20:18:59 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

上次从香港坐船去澳门,在海关,队伍有数百人,女儿被地上的东西绊一跤,哇哇大哭,我到前面一看,有一条手写的老人和3岁以下小孩专用通道,一个人都没有,和工作人员商量能否过一下,结果此男看了一下我们的护照说不行,我妈可以过去,我儿子7岁,女儿已满三周岁,都不行,最多我妈帮我带一个孩子过去,我和一个孩子得去排队,我问他“Does it make sense? Why do you put up this policy here if it does not do any convenience to people?" He looked away and sat still, I was pissed off and said ' There is 0 person you are serving here, why cann't you open another line to reduce your colleague's workload then?'  He still said nothing, I had to raised my voice :' Get me your supervisor!' Some guy looked like a supervisor heard us and came over, he let us pass and told me:" This is one time exception for you, Madam!' I replied to him' Thank you for letting us go!As a supervisor, you can consider doing some improvement here, if no one is in the express lane, why cann't you loose your so-called policy and balance your people's work load, you have one people working and 5 other sitting around. Also, mind your people's attitude, please! You are being PAID to do your job, not to bring people inconvenience!' That moment, I felt like a 泼妇,but a Proud One!


