The actual words you needed here were patricians and clients

来源: 2018-11-20 07:04:18 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

if u wanted to map your chinese concepts in mind to their western counterparts, or in worst case scenario, u were not familiar with western history at all, still u could use Masters and Servants.

The first question before u can even call it an "debate", is can u really sit down and argue with the other party without using insultation as your only weapon. No one really gives a phuc about ur ignominious rhetorics, it simply sounds ironic when you in the end pick up the word "pity" after such ignorant behaviors.

I'm a little bit interested though, if u believe u r 100% correct, why dare thou not to undertake a real debate? Sounds like u r not that confident with ur belief system and to that end u have to hide urself under the protecting shield of cursing and yelling, that does not sound cool.

U guys always cite the same line: u government supporters don't have any independent thinkings going on in ur heads,  albeit we merely think outside ur box. So that actually means we the government supporters can't have any independent thinkings going on in our heads. True or false?