To the western perspective china is 暴发户.

来源: johnliu12345 2014-11-11 16:32:49 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (753 bytes)
The west and western media look down on china and do not want to accept china. Some chinese people simlarly look down on other chinese people. In general chinese people are not very confident. The western world look at china as being of a lower class and are 暴发户. The west also look at china as being a threat to displace the current world order. They are very hypocritical on one hand they are saying we want china as being a partner. On the other hand, they view china as possibly being a competitor and lobbyed south korea, indonesia, and australia from joining in china dominated bank. There are definitely elements in the west who want to see china fail. This is shown in the xenophobic animosity that the western media has toward china.


Fix your title: It is "From the Westeners' perspective" -ZoyaWashington- 给 ZoyaWashington 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/11/2014 postreply 16:56:59

中国作为一个国家比某些自吹自擂“文明世界”文明多了 -SunDawn- 给 SunDawn 发送悄悄话 SunDawn 的博客首页 (310 bytes) () 11/11/2014 postreply 17:56:11

中国没殖民过,沒种族灭绝过,沒国家贩卖奴隶,沒国家贩毒过。。。 -人在异乡为异客- 给 人在异乡为异客 发送悄悄话 人在异乡为异客 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/11/2014 postreply 18:51:42

呵呵,延安三五九旅种opium卖国统区以支持边区财政,与现在北朝鲜,阿夫汉塔利班干一样的脏事儿哈。 -fortlee- 给 fortlee 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/11/2014 postreply 19:34:38

那只是一小部分违法而已。 -玉诚- 给 玉诚 发送悄悄话 玉诚 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/11/2014 postreply 19:53:29

对我来说,这件事真伪不明,如果属实,我也会谴责的,因为不可接受。 -人在异乡为异客- 给 人在异乡为异客 发送悄悄话 人在异乡为异客 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/12/2014 postreply 09:23:18



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