Solveig' Song from "Peer Gynt"

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Music: Edvard Grieg

Text: Henrik Ibsen

Performer:Mirusia-Ave Maria

Solveigs Sang (Solveig's Song)

Kanske vil der gå både Vinter og Vår,
og neste Sommer med, og det hele År,
men engang vil du komme, det ved jeg vist,
og jeg skal nok vente, for det lovte jeg sidst.
Gud styrke dig, hvor du i Verden går,
Gud glæde dig, hvis du for hans Fodskam mel står.
Her skal jeg vente til du kommer igjen;
og venter du hist oppe, vi træffes der, min Ven!

Solveigs Sang (Solveig's Song)

The winter may pass and the spring disappear,
the summer too will vanish and then the year.
But this I know for certain: thou’lt come back again;
And e’en as I promised, thou’lt find me waiting then.
God help thee, when wand’ring thy way all alone,
God grant thee his strength as thou kneel’st at his throne.
If thou now art waiting in heav’n for me,
O there we’ll meet again love and never parted be!
© 2014 Naxos
Reproduced by kind permission

Peer Gynt

play by Ibsen

Peer Gynt, five-act verse play by Henrik Ibsen, published in Norwegian in 1867 and produced in 1876. The title character, based on a legendary Norwegian folk hero, is a rogue who will be destroyed unless he is saved by the love of a woman.

Peer Gynt is a charming but lazy and arrogant peasant youth who leaves home to seek his fortune. Confident of success, he has one disastrous adventure after another. In one, he attends the wedding of a wealthy young woman he himself might have married. There he meets Solveig, who falls in love with him. He impulsively abducts the bride from her wedding celebration and subsequently abandons her. He then embarks on a series of fantastic voyages around the world, finding wealth and fame but never happiness. Finally, old and disillusioned, he returns to Norway, where Solveig, ever faithful and loving, welcomes him home, and he is redeemed.