【南非女中音:Bongiwe Nakani】

来源: 法国薰衣草 2017-09-08 15:04:54 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (3143 bytes)
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7岁开始跟她姐姐去学唱歌, 现在已经在维也纳歌剧院演唱歌剧, 非常美嗓音, 爆发力强, 很有表现力, 很能表现悲剧色彩

我个人认为:Bongiwe Nakani 的嗓音很有在其他歌剧演员身少有的成分: 女性嗓音中的母性色彩:宽厚而坚定 

都说她是新一代的 Jessey Norman, Jessey Norman我听不多, 一听Bongiwe Nakani的唱就喜欢。 




Bongiwe Nakani

Mezzo soprano BONGIWE NAKANI was born in Cape Town. She studied at the South African College of Music and – already during her studies – won the second prize in the Shock Foundation singing competition. In 2012 the singer won the second prize and the audience prize at the Amazwi Omzantsi singing competition. The same year she performed at the Glimmerglass Festival in Lost in the Stars, Armida and Aida. In 2013, Bongiwe Nakani made her debut at the Cape Town Opera as Rosina in Il barbiere di Siviglia (in a cooperation with the UCT Opera School) and also sang Marchesa Melibea in Il viaggio a Reims there. In 2015, Bongiwe Nakani was awardee at the renowned Neue Stimmen competition. That same year, the mezzo soprano sang Elisabetta in Maria Stuarda as well as in Four 30: Opera made in South Africa at the Cape Town Opera. As of the season 2016/2017 Bongiwe Nakani is ensemble member of the Wiener Staatsoper.



“女性嗓音中的母性色彩”,表述惊艳。说的比唱的好听。 -Laoxisi- 给 Laoxisi 发送悄悄话 Laoxisi 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/10/2017 postreply 10:01:48

谢谢 -法国薰衣草- 给 法国薰衣草 发送悄悄话 法国薰衣草 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/12/2017 postreply 02:40:45

我有些糊涂呢。难道大多数女性嗓音中缺乏母性色彩吗? -清溢- 给 清溢 发送悄悄话 清溢 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/20/2017 postreply 01:06:50


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