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Chris Martenson Discusses The Future Of Europe And Of The Global Economy

Tyler Durden's picture

In the following video Chris Martenson - economic analyst at and regular guest contributor to Zero Hedge, and James Turk, Director of the GoldMoney Foundation talk about the problems facing the eurozone as well as the global economy. Chris Martenson points out that the whole world simply has too much debt. This is why he believes that there won’t be a real solution to the euro crisis. The big question will rather be who will take losses on the debt, which can’t possibly be repaid. The lack of political leadership and unwillingness to accept reality is contributing to this crisis. Additionally, the monetary tools central banks have traditionally used to revive economies are starting to show less and less effect. In Martenson’s view, the financial sector has become way too large and interlinked across borders, so that a default by one country could bring down the whole financial systems, because credit default swaps would get triggered and could bring down the writers of those derivatives.

James Turk mentions that today, commercial banks as well as central banks are leveraged at unsustainable levels. While both agree that it makes sense to get back to less risky traditional banking and a sound money system, Martenson raises the question of how it will be possible to bring the leverage down to prudent levels again and how to get rid of the huge amount of complex derivatives. That said, Martenson argues that the gold standard has been proven to be a working monetary system with automatic leveling functions. As a result of the coming structural changes to our monetary system, both men recommend owning tangible assets. They point out, that those who act first have a great advantage.

Martenson talks about the misallocation of capital, which occurs when money is being mispriced. The debt bubble was allowed to grow over the last 40 years and is now starting to burst. Due to cheap money, speculation and leverage have grown enormously. The tech stock and housing bubbles were the latest examples of that. He hopes that we will get rid of the unrestrained money systems with all its imbalances and return to some sort of gold standard system. The accumulation of gold by central banks hints to the fact that gold will play a bigger monetary role in the future.

Talking about European Central bank policy, Martenson speculates that the ECB could be revealed as a “paper tiger”, that is unable to stop speculation against European bonds. This could lead to an escalation of the euro crisis if the ECB does not follow the unprecedented example of the Fed in buying up massive amounts of sovereign debt, even though this violates its rules. He wishes more people took the time to understand basic economics; the illusion that government can pay for something without having to collect taxes in the same amount has been created by the constant accumulation of debt. But since debts can’t be grown forever we are now in the early stages of finding that the idea that we can always expand and that debt doesn’t matter is wrong. Martenson is afraid, that our society as a whole is not prepared for this paradigm shift yet. He believes that resource efficiency and access to resources will be much more important in the future.



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Sun, 12/04/2011 - 00:29 | 1943243 I think I need ...
I think I need to buy a gun's picture


Sun, 12/04/2011 - 00:33 | 1943248 Nate H
Nate H's picture


(not sure about the coins)

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 06:46 | 1943523 Oh regional Indian
Oh regional Indian's picture

Yup Nate, the heavens, are UP. The hades are in the sHades, but that's a whole other matter.

These erudite gentlemen, can't they see that there is not meant to be a re-solution to this crisis?

Fiat money end game? Which signs are not clear, like crystals? Fly like an eagle indeed, so you may be blessed with it's view, where such minutiae lose their importance in the face of the big picture. Which everyone here knows well.


Join us?


Sun, 12/04/2011 - 00:39 | 1943260 Major Miner
Major Miner's picture

Chris's Crash Course video series is available free on his website. It offers a great deal of information which shows how the convergence of several factors, including out of control debt and diminishing sources of cheap energy, are going to mean drastic changes in the way we live going forward. Its great information.

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 02:21 | 1943383 Cast Iron Skillet
Cast Iron Skillet's picture

well, the 2012 Year of the Dragon coins from the Perth Mint Lunar series are out ... the gold dragon is beautiful.

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 08:55 | 1943625 MsCreant
MsCreant's picture

Did they have to put that frumpy woman on the other side?

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 09:51 | 1943687 Normalcy Bias
Normalcy Bias's picture

Nothing screams VALUE like a parasitic dinosaur.

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 14:01 | 1944440 Dave Thomas
Dave Thomas's picture

And some mass murdering, menopausal, monarch ***** on the obverse.

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 09:58 | 1943697 mendolover
mendolover's picture

If this helps, I was buying 2010's in December of 2009. Not sure how the squeeze compares now.

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 11:28 | 1943995 covert
covert's picture

many will be out to steal your gold and privacy.


Sun, 12/04/2011 - 00:38 | 1943254 holdbuysell
holdbuysell's picture

"The lack of political leadership"

There will NEVER be political leadership until the SHTF because these career politicians since undergrad are 'wet behind the ears' on reality and have no idea how to actually lead but to only maintain the status quo.

'Fire 'em all', as Farage would say, as they are weak in the spine, completely unprepared, and totally underqualified.

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 10:11 | 1943725 bernorange
Sun, 12/04/2011 - 16:19 | 1944816 narnia
narnia's picture

anyone who believes keeping the Fed on a gold standard with a peg they could change at will solves anything real hasn't thought this through.

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 00:37 | 1943255 rumblefish
rumblefish's picture

If memory serves , they are available for pre order by this time. By coins I'm assuming you mean ASE's and AGE's.

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 00:37 | 1943256 rumblefish
rumblefish's picture

If memory serves , they are available for pre order by this time. By coins I'm assuming you mean ASE's and AGE's.

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 00:40 | 1943261 hayesy316
hayesy316's picture

TL;DR version: buy gold.


Sun, 12/04/2011 - 00:43 | 1943263 GiantVampireSqu...
GiantVampireSquid vs OWS UFC 2012's picture

Predicaments Bitchez!

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 00:49 | 1943268 the origami prodigy
the origami prodigy's picture

double double toil and trouble

markets crumble

when south seas bubble

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 00:52 | 1943272 RockyRacoon
RockyRacoon's picture
Chris Martenson’s presentation at the Gold & Silver Meeting in Madrid In this video Chris Martenson, economic analyst at and author of ‘The Crash Course’, explains why he thinks that the coming 20 years are going to look completely unlike the last 20 years. In his presentation he focuses on the so-called three “Es”: Economy, Energy and Environment. He argues that at this point in time it is no longer possible to view either one of those topics separately from one another.

Since all our money is loaned onto existence, our economy has to grow exponentially. Martenson proves this point empirically by showing a 99.9% fit of the actual growth curve of the last 40 years to an exponential curve. If we wanted to continue on this path, our debt load would have to double again over the next 10 years. By continually increasing our debt relative to GDP we are making the assumption that our future will always be wealthier than our past. He believes that this assumption is flawed and that the debt loads are already unmanageable. Martenson explains how exponential growth works and why it is so scary that our economy is based on it. In an example he illustrates how unimaginably fast things speed up towards the end of an exponential curve. He shows that an exponential chart can be found in every one of the three “E’s” for instance in GDP growth, oil production, water use or species extinction. Due to the natural limitations on resources, Martenson comes to the conclusion that we are facing a serious energy crisis.

This energy predicament is namely that the quantity of oil as well as the quality of oil are in decline. He shows that oil discoveries peaked in 1964 and oil production peaked 40 years later. Martenson also shows how our return on invested energy is rapidly declining – the “cheap and easy” oil fields have already been exploited. In 1930 the energy return for oil was 100:1 or greater. Today it is already down to 3:1 and newer technologies such as corn-based ethanol only provide a 1.5:1 return. Martenson predicts that the time in between oil shocks will get shorter and shorter and that oil prices will go much higher. Not only oil but also other natural resources are being rapidly used up as well. At the current projected pace of use, known reserves for many metals and minerals will be gone within the next 10 to 20 years. The energy needed to get these non-renewable resources out of the ground is growing exponentially. So we live in a world that must grow, but can’t grow and is subject to depletion. The conclusion out of all this is that our money system is poorly designed and that we need to rethink how we do things as quickly as possible.



After finishing his presentation Chris Martenson answers questions regarding a rise in efficiency, alternative technologies and oil prices. He also responds to questions regarding electricity, shale gas, gold, silver, platinum, palladium, and uranium and the race for global resources. This video was recorded on November 16 at the Gold & Silver Meeting 2011 in Madrid.
Sun, 12/04/2011 - 01:21 | 1943299 oldmanagain
oldmanagain's picture

I do believe this is the future. Add in some surprises on methane emissions and global warming, collapse of rational political thought, see ZeroHedge.

Gold, silver will not replace that which will be scarce.

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 01:24 | 1943307 Manthong
Manthong's picture

Great presentation..very worthwhile.

Short hockey sticks.. long face masks.

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 05:12 | 1943462 mr_T
mr_T's picture

I was there. Nice presentation from Chris. How about that free clean energy seawater plant from movie... wall street never sleeps. That will do the trick...right cptn amerka. What TURD of a movie..what were u thinking o.stone... Or Mr. Energy device they used on the time travel Delorean .. its all sci fi ..


Sun, 12/04/2011 - 05:37 | 1943475 falak pema
falak pema's picture

well, peak oil hits the fans officially in 2013, the price of OIL goes to 200+, gold to 2000+, arable land to ...grow food becomes as expensive as 5th avenue.

Wow, what a schuss downhill this guy is predicting...

As for financial and economic paradigm change, I subscribe to this view 100%. Having been personally witness of the previous Oil paradigm change that Ronald imposed on the world, when Carter was saying just the Opposite, is the greatest tragedy on the Oil/financial front that the world witnessed. Reagan's deregulated model and his telephoned 'red line' ORDER to Fahd of Saud, "open up the faucet full blast, Mack, or I'll blast you out of your oil patch" 1982, produced the double whammy of oil depletion and financial asset inflation over the next thirty years.

He is, along with the Oil/MIC lobby, the evil architect of this tragedy, taking us further up/(down for depletion) the exponential curve, that Nixon had started in 1971, by opening the fiat faucet after dismantling BW. Martenson's curves show that very clearly, the irretrievable tipping point on exponential curve occured between 1970-1980.

Irony of history : Peanut Carter had it right and great Helmsman, RR, had it all wrong. And now we pay the piper.


Sun, 12/04/2011 - 10:16 | 1943744 Oh regional Indian
Oh regional Indian's picture

Well put Falak.



Sun, 12/04/2011 - 10:51 | 1943859 Amish Hacker
Amish Hacker's picture

I agree with your basic premise, Falak, but I wonder about the oil price question. Could oil really get to $200/bbl before the economy went into recession? In 2008, $150 was enough to sink us. The economy slowed, consumption declined, price retreated.

A lot of smart people (e.g. Chris Nelder) see this as the new paradigm, with one important detail: each time the cycle repeats, it will take less increase in the oil price to send us into recession. So maybe the next shortage-induced runup only gets to, say, $130, before the economy slows, and the next time only $120, etc.

Cheap oil and cheap credit fueled the last boom. What will drive the next one?

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 09:36 | 1943669 Escapeclaws
Escapeclaws's picture

Just wondering...It could be a logistic curve--that would make sense because logistic curves factor in resource limitations or "carrying capacity". They look like exponential curves up to the inflection point. The plan seems to be to depreciate the currency and thus pay off the debts and kick the can down the road through inflation. Can the Fed control this so we don't get hyperinflation?

With a logistic curve, the 99% slowly get ground to dust, but it takes a long time. Perhaps the next 10 to 20 years before everyone--except the banana republic rich--are mired in poverty and live in a police state which is the NWO. There's absolutely no point in making this occur suddenly. So count on 10 to 20 years of increasing poverty for your families and descendants.

Dmitri Orlov has done excellent work on Peak Oil and is worth reading at He predicts a sudden drop and not a smooth downward trajectory.

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 10:56 | 1943871 Spastica Rex
Spastica Rex's picture

I'm a believer in the slow grind model. However, I think it's going to be the bottom 80%-85% who will be ground up, not the bottom 99%. The US will cling to its myth of the middle class at all costs.

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 10:15 | 1943740 Snidley Whipsnae
Snidley Whipsnae's picture

Rocky... I don't know if you have seen this Kyle Bass Video but it is well worth the watch. Pay particular attention to ~ minutes 41 to 44.

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 02:03 | 1943330 GoodMorningMr.V...
GoodMorningMr.VanRumpoy...'s picture


As far as implementation towards sound money, how does he feel about combining modern technology (digital currency/Debit cards) with the original 1792 coinage act?


Under this act the "Dollar" 371 4/16 grain (24.1 g) pure or 416 grain (27.0 g) standard silver was the unit of money

From there the highest value coin was of gold the “Eagle”

$10 dollars =247 4/8 grain (16.0 g) pure or 270 grain (17.5 g)standard gold

The lowest coin was of copper the “Milles” $0.001 1.1 pennyweights (1.7 g) of copper

Seems like a broad enough monetary base to deal with the redenomination issues that always occur when moving from one currency to another.

As the 1792 act stands there is only one minor problem with it and that is the mandating a dual coinage at silver 15-1 ratio to gold. This can be fixed (market exchange ratio can be attained) by fixing one metal as standard and letting the other float.

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 02:11 | 1943372 wandstrasse
wandstrasse's picture

I agree totally with the exponential growth of money = debt; this is a mere fact, mathematically rooted in the system itself, with all its dire consequences. Regarding world population I am not so sure. The rapidly / exponentially growing world population numbers could be propaganda by TPTB. The numbers are provided by the UN. The UN headquarters is located where? Close to which kind of firms? Just musing. The growth of Megacities is tangible and hard to deny. But is it really thoroughly cross-checked with rural population? How do you measure population in countries who hardly have any administration?


So WHY should TPTB apply that propaganda? I think the inner circles of TPTB know VERY WELL that poverty is a mathematical consequence of their debt-fiat monetary system. So it is handy to make sth else responsible for their poverty: Too many children. Second, the NWO crowd needs allies within the worldwide, clueless, wealthy class. They cannot avoid / omit all sympathy, but too much sympathy for the poor could turn into real action, which is bad (for TPTB). In one's perception, one life is worth less if there is a huge number, growing ever more. So, if there is war, well that is very bad, but not too bad... I mean there is no limit on how cynical their means are.

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 14:43 | 1944531 itstippy
itstippy's picture

Are you saying that there aren't enough SNAP cards to go around even if we all share and get along and stuff?

I love you,
You love me,
We're a happy family,
with a great big hug,
and a kiss from me to you,
Won't you say you love me TOO!

I love you,
You love me,
We're best friends like friends should be,
With a great big hug,
And a kiss from me to you,
Won't you say you love me too

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 03:10 | 1943407 Miles Kendig
Miles Kendig's picture

The only math that matters in Europe at present

2+2=240 (at 60X leverage)

all good kumrads you can tell by their altruistic smell - E. E. Cummings

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 03:27 | 1943414 luna_man
luna_man's picture



Thanks, Tyler...Very good video!

Chris Martenson, ROCKS!

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 03:28 | 1943415 nah
nah's picture

there in on it



Sun, 12/04/2011 - 03:44 | 1943426 ... crumbs
... crumbs's picture

... we're all "in on it" - like it or NOT


Sun, 12/04/2011 - 03:51 | 1943429 Peter K
Peter K's picture


And that is why the Tea Parties are correct.

And that is why all rational people need to vote for their candidates in the next general election.

It's just that simple:)

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 06:39 | 1943520 grey7beard
grey7beard's picture

>> It's just that simple

I will say your solution is simplistic, but it's not that simple. What TP candidates do you think we should vote for and why? What policies are they going to impliment that will make a diffferrence? AFAICT TP=SOS

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 07:55 | 1943566 Peter K
Peter K's picture

Simplistic is to blame the bankers for the problems, and by default mitigate the damage that the politicians did by claiming that they were controled/mainipulated etc. This is real tinfoiled hat,whackjob,crazytown stuff.

As to TP, I can't get over the level of hatered by establishment Republicans for the TP freshmen. This was pretty obvious in the debt ceiling debate, if you watched it closely. At the end of the day, the US has a spending problem. Any rational person can see this. But yet it is only the TP that are addressing this root cause.

Or to put it another way. Does anybody seriously think that if the government cut spending say 15% across the board, or reverted back to the 2006 spending levels in absolute terms, that the Federal budget would not be in a better position?

Once again, it's just that simple:)

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 09:04 | 1943633 MsCreant
MsCreant's picture

There is not enough income to pay back all the debt. Ever. Budget cuts might put some pressure on the bleeding, and would be useful, but it does not get at the core issue.

The current "system" is NOT sustainable.

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 09:12 | 1943645 falak pema
falak pema's picture

you know the new norm to keep the world warm without burning fossil fuel? There is a renewable bio-fuel, its called making love. That is sustainable as long as there is life. And the good things in life are free of debt!

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 14:47 | 1944546 CPL
CPL's picture

Que the bass guitar...

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 09:53 | 1943682 Winisk
Winisk's picture

Right. My two young girls have been born into a system that guarantees they will be burdened by unpayable debts. The accumulated debts, or savings, cannot be repaid in the long run, which is why it must fail. Personally I resist going into debt and frankly don't want anyone indebted to me. This is why I try to keep my economy as local as possible and have my trades evened out in a timely manner.

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 09:10 | 1943642 grey7beard
grey7beard's picture

>> But yet it is only the TP that are addressing this root cause.

As long as the TP excludes the MIC from serious consideration in spending cuts, they'll get no respect.

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 04:05 | 1943435 Dre4dwolf
Dre4dwolf's picture

The? funny thing is, banks are over-leveraged they refuse to lend (create money out of thin air) which causes a shortage of money/credit in circulation, which in turn makes it impossible for people to pay back the fraudulent loans, which in turn means we need more bailouts to keep the bankers from losing THEIR house and THEIR car and THEIR Yacht and THEIR JOB.

So in order for 2 - 3 men to keep their wealth/jobs, MILLIONS must lost THEIRS.

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 08:15 | 1943582 Peter K
Peter K's picture

Banks refuse to lend because they have capital requirements. Second, they have a bunch of bad debt on their books that they are not MtM. And lastly, bank stocks are trading around 50% of their book value (at least in Euroland), so the banks can't entertain any capital raising exercises. Just thought you might want to know:)

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 15:20 | 1944662 Dre4dwolf
Dre4dwolf's picture

The banks are in the business of laundering counterfeit money, They make a loan, money is created put into circulation.

Yes the banks have a problem because they have capital requirements, but the banks are violating gaap and are using their own proprietary accounting, there is no reason to actually follow any cap requirements because there actually is no oversight.

The banks can counterfeit as much money as pleases them and the government is powerless to stop them, and atm this is their only hope.... they need to put more money in circulation than there is debt (for the first time in history) OR they need to write down the debt they hold by 30 - 50% across the board so that it actually becomes POSSIBLE to sustain the current status quo without poring on more debt.

It's like our boat is sinking and instead of filling buckets with water and throwing it overboard , we are filling buckets and leaving them on the boat.... the water is still on the boat, it's just in buckets.

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 04:34 | 1943445 Peter K
Peter K's picture

Several observations:

Too much debt: Yes. Not a problem on household level since bankruptcy resets this problem. Problem really is on the government side. Markets could control this, but are being corrupted by politicians. In turn, politicians are providing services to their constituants, that they need to finance in debt market. I was amazed that the debt ceiling limitation was used by the ratings agencies as a negative. It appeared as if the ratings agencies wanted more debt issued. The answer here is quite simple, i.e. limited governement, that which the Tea Party movement is proposing. But somehow this element is being left out of the conversation. You just got to wonder why:(

Banks have too much debt on their books: True. But it's just the European banks that are insolvant. The US banks have a knock on problem since they most probably issued the insurance on this bad debt. You know, the CDS's. But you cant' through all the banks into on bag on this one, unless you are trying to make an idealogical point. Hint, hint, know what I mean?

The debt dynamic is the same regardless of whether your a household or a nation state: No truer words have ever been said. As to the economies growing at a much slower pace than the aggregate level of debt, yes. This is how BIG government, dare I call it the socialist nanny states functions. Tea Parties, right agian.

Perception catching up with reality: Yep. But like M says, we have known this for quite some time. As to reality, it has also been corrupted by the politicians. In Euroland, the politicians strong armed the banks into lending to them at below market rates. Anyone out there wonder why the holders of EU debt are exclusively the EU banks and insurance companies (outside of the stupid reserve managers/whose politicians decided that they needed a second reserve currency). The answer is that the American/Asians banks knew that the rates were below market rates and did touch the crap. Just goes to show you, not all bankers are the same.

Politicians wanting to protect their own jobs: After the frog march of the Demolemmings over the cliff to enact ObamaCare, this last statement is either naive or downright dishonest. Politicians protect there potential net worth. If they think they can make more by voting for ObamaCare and losing the next election, then they will do it. They got/get paid off at the back end. A good reference is Nigel Farage expose about how the EU political class is bribing the Croats to get them into the Eurozone.

Politicians and banker interests are aligned: Yes. Because the pols strongarmed the banks/insurance co. into buying gov debt that is now worthless, they created a problem in the banking sector. So now they are trying to figure out a way to save the banking sector. As to shifting the risk to the general population, yep. But it was the government services that was consumed by the general population, and it is they who will have to pay. How ironic. As to banker bonuses and the politicians payoffs, yea that's wrong. But it's a small piece of the pie and not the real problem here.

Who controls who: I guess when you are trying to run with a narrative that it's the bankers fault, stupid questions like this must be asked. Just to confuse the prols, I guess.

Anyways, this gets me to 5:44 of the tape. Nothing of any substance, just your general OWS/Main Stream Media narrative. Keeps the basement dwellers feeling warm and fuzzy inside, makes the bankers into scapegoats, but doesn't really provide any sound analysis let alone begin to address how to solve the problem.




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