在YourTube里的迈克尔的“Heal the World"后人们的评论:

来源: yimei1926 2009-08-06 03:51:14 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2325 bytes)

ptallgirl (24分钟之前) 显示 隐藏

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I want those to tell the World that Jordie Chandler has come out and stated that he lied on MJ. That Micheal never did those things to him that his father wanted him to lie for gain on Micheal. Please type in Jordie Chandler and read the artical.
Micheal I love you and you did so much for this World, I pray that the World follows your foot prints in love.

DEK1954 (1 小时前) 显示 隐藏

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MJ was too good for this world. He tried to bring awareness to important human issues-and people along with the press, criticized, made fun of, and humiliated him. The rag mags never treated him as a fellow human, rather as an oddity to exploit for their monetary gains. Even in death, they still print disgusting things about him.

tshepco99 (2小时之前) 显示 隐藏

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He was the best and the world is a f**kin disgrace
Fagots eberywhere and they pick on Micheal
I am ashamed of the human race

Maisha2006 (4小时之前) 显示 隐藏

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The best thing is - he is one the few people successful at making YOU want to be a BETTER person.

superhip1 (20小时之前) 显示 隐藏

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Now maybe for the remorse of his death Chandler decides to tell us the truth. I never meant to lie and destroy Michael Jackson but my father made me to tell only lies. Now i cant tell Michael how much im sorry and if he will forgive me .
.Evan Chandler was tape-recorded saying amongst other things, If I go through with this, I win big-time. Theres no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever.

&CIEborZ believes everything whatthe madia tells him;)

xOpticonx (1 天前) 显示 隐藏

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I think Nobel needs to ammend the fine points and allow decedants who have made a difference to receive awards. Michael does deserve it. Look at all of the things he has done for God sakes, they should take that into some kind of consideration. Honestly, he should have gotten it a long time ago.
DavidMac67 (1 天前) 显示 隐藏

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What an incredible song by a truly gifted artist



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