每日一曲302: 〖公子多情〗 - 选自秋日红枫

来源: 丹妙 2004-01-30 19:32:00 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2075 bytes)
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Fill Your Life

There's no need to be stopped by what you cannot do. Instead, move yourself ahead by doing what you can do. Sure, you have limitations just like everyone else. Yet your possibilities are far greater than your limitations.

Focus on the positive possibilities and you'll find a way around those limitations. Stop worrying about what you don't have and do what you can, where you are, with what you do have. It is more than enough to take you anywhere you desire to go.

Every day is filled with treasures yet to be discovered. But if you go through the day filled with resentment, anger or envy, you'll walk right on past those treasures without even glimpsing them.

Instead, seek to add value to each situation in which you find yourself. Make a genuine effort to make a real difference. Rather than lamenting what you don't have, appreciate and make full use of what you do have, and the best things you can imagine will fill your life.

-- Ralph Marston


每周一歌:《合久必婚》-李克勤 选自:Ever Last -valor- 给 valor 发送悄悄话 (539 bytes) () 01/30/2004 postreply 19:51:00

这曲子好熟悉。好喜欢你摘录的东西。谢谢丹妙! -thanks~- 给 thanks~ 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/30/2004 postreply 20:21:00

谢丹妙很好听的曲子,周末愉快! -老弦- 给 老弦 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/30/2004 postreply 21:01:00

COOL!THANKS,DAN -UNDERSTANU- 给 UNDERSTANU 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/30/2004 postreply 21:35:00



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