
来源: 2018-11-06 17:05:59 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

一个小duplex, 想贷款, 结果贷款公司查看一下记录, 说“On the property tax that we found, this property is classified as commercial, not residential. It might affect the appraisal”。我说那是个residential property, 贷款公司说, We don’t provide commercial loans, and it’s not about the property type. Even though it may be a residential home but if the classification falls under commercial, we won’t be able to move forward with appraisal. 

贷款公司让我问问卖家代理知不知道 the area has been rezoned in the recent year, 卖家代理说不知道。

请问这种情况下如何是好, 是换贷款公司还是换贷款种类。谢谢。