【 最伟大 最悲壮的 一次 大阅兵 -- 1941-11-17】

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从红场 直接开赴战场前线 的


莫斯科 1941年 11月 7日 大阅兵


人类历史上 最伟大 最悲壮的 一次 大阅兵





7 November 1941, Moscow


莫斯科 德军 重围 兵临城下 危在旦夕

幸暴风狂雪 天助 使德军无法空袭 



斯大林 力排众议 临危不惧 破釜沉舟 果断阅兵

并在阅兵式上 发表了 著名的 铁血式的讲话

军队官兵 带上仅有的武器弹药食品给养



要么我死 要么你亡!


with German forces only 50 miles away and

a snowstorm and biting wind to prevent Nazi air attacks

these brave, tough and determined soldiers paraded before

an undeserving, corrupt and inhuman leadership,

made a u-turn up Gorky street and marched straight to the front.

Though their leadership betrayed them, did not trust them,

supplied them with shabby equipment & oppressed them

they fought selflessly

in a dedicated defense of their motherland against the

invading Nazi barbarians.





Most American and westernwriters portray Stalin as a bloodthirty dictator.

One writer, I read also mentioned  made a foolish and silly statement that perhaps Stalin enjoyed the blood of his victims. While I hold no brief for Stalin the fact is the Second World War was won on the backs of the Russian army. The Russians lost 20 million dead and but for Stalin, Hitler would have romped home a winner and perhaps in place of the Nuremberg trials we may have had trials of Churchill and De Gaulle.


What are the facts.? On 22 June 1941 the German Army advanced against Russia. They were able to achieve complete surprise and 3 German army groups headed deep into Russia. The Army Group centre had as its primary aim to capture Moscow. Hitler laid great importance for the  capture of Moscow. This for him was one of the primary objectives of his Russian campaign

By 7 November 1941 the Germans were just 70 km from Moscow. Stalin was adviced to leave the capital and proceed east of the Ural mountains. Stalin outright rejcted the proposal and announced he would hold a victory parade in Red Square.



It is on record that Stalin stood on mauseleum of Lenin  

and took the salute of a victory parade.

He also gave a rousing speech ,

which even if heard now cannot fail to make you realise that here is a great man. In fact most of the units taking part in the parade continued marching as they headed for the front. As a single act of bravery this has no parallel.


The Soviet defensive effort actually halted the German offensive.

Hitler as I have mentioned had laid great store on the capture of Moscow.

In fact he had a special operation codenamed  Operation Typhoon 

 to capture Moscow..



For this the OKW( German General Staff) had launced a two faced pincer movement , one against the North of Moscow  by the 3rd and 4th Panzer groups . The plan was to sever the rail link with Leningrad and surround Moscow. A second group was to launch an offensive against the south Moscow  close to the Tula river by the 2nd Panzer group. The Panzergroups were to facilitate the advance of the 4th army direct to Moscow.

Th calculations did not work out  mainly due to Stalin and his resolve not to abandan Moscow, to stay and fight. It was a great decision and a brave one at that. The Wehermacht was stopped at the gates of Moscow. Stalin certainly deserves more credit than he is given. In my view he is one of the greatest figures of the 20 th century. No amount of mud slinging by westren writers can erase this facet of Stalin and his role in the defeat of Hitler.



胜利日 1945--6-24 大阅兵


Moscow Victory Parade of 1945 was a victory parade

held after the defeat of Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War.

It took place in the Soviet capital of Moscow,

mostly centering around a military parade through Red Square.

The parade took place on a rainy June 24, 1945,

over a month after May 9th,

the day of Germany's surrender to Soviet commanders.


Marshals Georgy Zhukov, who had formally accepted the

German surrender to the Soviet Union, and Konstantin Rokossovsky,

rode through the parade ground on white and black stallions,

respectively. The fact is commemorated by the equestrian

statue of Zhukov in front of the State Historical Museum, on Manege Square.

The Premier of the Soviet Union Joseph Stalin

stood atop of Lenin's Mausoleum and watched the parade.


Displays of the Red Army aircraft and vehicles were some of the

focal points of the ceremony. One of the most famous moments

at the end of the troops parade took place when various Red Army soldiers

carried the banners of Nazi Germany and threw them down

next to the Mausoleum. One of the standards that were tossed down

belonged to the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler.



【英文 系转录,不代表本人观点】






an undeserving, corrupt and inhuman leadership?! -bsmile- 给 bsmile 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2012 postreply 15:18:15

“---” -- quoted, not my words -弓尒- 给 弓尒 发送悄悄话 弓尒 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2012 postreply 16:28:25

无论什么时候,有血性的对手是最可怕的,我最不希望中国遇到俄罗斯,日本这样的对手 -移花接木- 给 移花接木 发送悄悄话 移花接木 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2012 postreply 16:29:02

嗯, 还非是 俄日不可~! -弓尒- 给 弓尒 发送悄悄话 弓尒 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2012 postreply 16:51:49

如何重铸我民之血性? 有没有办法? -晋中- 给 晋中 发送悄悄话 (31 bytes) () 07/02/2012 postreply 17:03:26

孔孟之道害人太深,现在还忽悠到海外了 -移花接木- 给 移花接木 发送悄悄话 移花接木 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2012 postreply 17:56:29

平西王 如何~? -弓尒- 给 弓尒 发送悄悄话 弓尒 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2012 postreply 17:57:41

每次我看到这个视频内心都很激动,这个视频也让我对于二次大战的苏德战场充满了无限的兴趣 -ouyanghui- 给 ouyanghui 发送悄悄话 (44 bytes) () 07/02/2012 postreply 19:32:54

更正,标题应为:【最伟大 最悲壮的 一次 大阅兵 -- 1941-11-07 -- 莫斯科】 -弓尒- 给 弓尒 发送悄悄话 弓尒 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2012 postreply 23:15:44

一个民族是否有血性关键在领导人的意志,毛泽东领导下的中国也是非常有血性的 -slz80- 给 slz80 发送悄悄话 slz80 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/03/2012 postreply 06:20:24

死里求生,杀出了一条血路~! 伟人功勋万古流芳~! -弓尒- 给 弓尒 发送悄悄话 弓尒 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/03/2012 postreply 08:01:35

中国也曾有过同样的经历,那是在1969年的国庆节 -可选项123- 给 可选项123 发送悄悄话 (379 bytes) () 07/03/2012 postreply 12:53:49



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