Shrinking population is not too bad, although

来源: panlm_ 2018-07-15 05:12:06 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (834 bytes)
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keeping it at ~500 millions is necessary. Two kids per couple could work in maintaining a sustainable work force. To raise productivity and living standard by reducing server internal competition may increase quality of life for people in China. Do not be confused by some so-called experts that China could face a big problem in the near future because of shortage of young labors and of aging society. In my opinion, there is tons of advantage because of less population within China that could ease severe challenge facing people China - limitation of land, natural resources including fresh water, over expansion of cities - that obviously affect quality of living conditions.

A quick solution to shortage of labors is simply to postpone the age of retirement from 60 to 65 or even to 69.  


年轻一代至是关键……~ -青松站- 给 青松站 发送悄悄话 青松站 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/15/2018 postreply 11:53:05

抗战,内战和韩战打得天翻地覆四亿人口还能建设中国.十五亿人口少个七亿就不能活了? 什么领导的脑子. -spooky- 给 spooky 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/15/2018 postreply 20:42:14

多造原子弹, 少为发达国家打工, 还会缺什么劳动力? -spooky- 给 spooky 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/15/2018 postreply 20:45:22

中国领导为了世界和平和低价物品, 让中国妇女开放多生, 多产劳动力, 什么逻辑? 看不懂 ! -spooky- 给 spooky 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/15/2018 postreply 20:48:13
